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  1. AthlonJedi

    New to DWC and impressed already!

    Hello all, So I'm new to DWC and this is my 1st attempt at it. I can say I am impressed already! I swear my seedlings are growing about 1/2 inch or so per day at this stage and they have only been in the DWC 3 days! I have also noticed something, As you can see from the pics below I already...
  2. AthlonJedi

    question about neuts

    Well, Had a setback and killed my first batch of girls......:shock: But I have had seedlings in veg for roughly 15 days give or take and I just transplanted them into the DWC. Im Starting at 1/4 strength on the recipe just for a measure of safty. I do have access to seeds with Known genetics...
  3. AthlonJedi

    Fuck it im gonna get bashed anywhere so post here

    as many have stated in this thread, you want a high CBD strain, I dont know where you live but if you are lucky enough to live where there are dispenseries, that would be the place to look for a high cbd tinture, I wouldnt give the dog a home made alcohol based tincture, it can do more harm than...
  4. AthlonJedi

    question about neuts

    coolies, Thanks guys, I am hoping Indiana goes at least medical in 2014 so I don't have to grow in a damn box lol and can let my girls stretch out a bit. everyone around us is already , michigan, illinois now, kentucky is considering, tennessee considering, we have a bill in our general...
  5. AthlonJedi

    question about neuts

    I decided to take the DWC plunge so I have a question, I have a 15 gal rubber maid tub I plan on running 2-4 plants in, Got a grey one so I painted the outside and the lid black to prevent light in the root zone, Eco air 2 adjustable dual output air pump ( 4.5 liters per min air output at max...
  6. AthlonJedi

    Time frame and Strain?

    8-10 weeks just as a guess with out knowing the strain and variety, But dont take that as gospel.
  7. AthlonJedi

    help please somethings wrong with my plants!!!!!!!!!!!!

    until I get a few more CFLs they won't be monsters, 2x42 watt 2700k i should have said and 2x13 watt 2700 k, once I get some 6500k in there , they should bulk up, but can't do that till the 1st. But for only having 4 low K cfls, they are pretty big. look at some other 1st timers using CFLs and...
  8. AthlonJedi

    help please somethings wrong with my plants!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1) Those need ALOT more light and CLOSER, They are stretched pretty bad. 2) Looks like you have some difficencys going on, Leave tips yellowing like that looks like the start of Nitrogen problems, Soil alone is NOT enough to provide plants with what they need to grow. 3) When you water them ...
  9. AthlonJedi

    Update > Day 24 from BAGSEED! Comments / Advice welcome!

    Will I need them that big if I plan on starting flowering in about 2 weeks? They will be about 14" tall when I plan to flower them so about 28" tall total as a completly wild ass guess. I know the smaller ones will need bigger once they catch up though.
  10. AthlonJedi

    TRANSPLANTING x3 ????!

    With out pics it is hard to say what the issue may be, But these guys are right, you need to address what ever health issue the plant has before transplanting it or you are just beating a dead horse with a broken stick.
  11. AthlonJedi

    Determining Sex for a Noob.

    you wont know until about 7-10 days into flowering, They dont show sex until they start that
  12. AthlonJedi

    Update > Day 24 from BAGSEED! Comments / Advice welcome!

    Didn't Know that! Ill be sure not to do that anymore lol
  13. AthlonJedi

    Update > Day 24 from BAGSEED! Comments / Advice welcome!

    No one has any comments?
  14. AthlonJedi

    How are thesse ladies looking?

    Those are lookin sexy! cool beans man!
  15. AthlonJedi

    Update > Day 24 from BAGSEED! Comments / Advice welcome!

    Well I promised an update so here it is! Its day 24 and these girls started from bag seed, The Bag these came out of is confirmed to come from a Michigan Despensery and the strain is an Indica but of unknown variety. These have been under 24 hrs of lighting with adjustable 42 watt x 2 and 13...
  16. AthlonJedi

    If I flower at foot n a half how big will they b when done

    General Rule of thumb is that they will double in size once you start them on flowering from what i hear so probably around 3' or so depending on lighting and feeding .
  17. AthlonJedi

    1 Week Old is this how my leaves should look?

    Fool, Looks like you got some seeds too amirite?
  18. AthlonJedi

    Changing Light Schedule but still 12/12

    Not sure but I dont think they care which 12 hours of each they get as long as its 12 consecutive hours of each, they are gonna slow down a little im sure on the new schedule for the first little while but should bounce back fairly quick. but like I said, I am not sure.
  19. AthlonJedi

    Strange thing on leaf.

    Might be a European Red Mite: Linkage -> I do not know if these are distructive to weed or not but being as they are related to the dreaded spider mite, I would assume so, Time for a pre-emptive neuclear strike mate. Those little bastards...
  20. AthlonJedi

    is this Balls or im I just seeing things

    I was gonna say it looked a little butchered and neglected but I'm still new at growing myself so I want sure if it was normal for what ever strain it is.