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  1. AthlonJedi

    is this Balls or im I just seeing things

    Hard to tell, too much light in the pic and not close enough but, it could be, How long have they been on 12/12?
  2. AthlonJedi

    too many new people!!

    Ok than, Maybe next time wording it a bit different would help. And my apologies for the previous post, I am in a bit of a mood today.
  3. AthlonJedi

    too many new people!!

    Well SOMEBODY didn't like my previous post cause its gone lol, anyway, Ill try to put it more politely this time , You haven't even made it through a whole grow cycle yet, so claiming there are too many new people, then immedtely asking for help is a bit rich, People LIKE YOU, come here to...
  4. AthlonJedi

    Need a little help identifying...

    SAUSAGE FEST! Yea thats deffanatly a male. Bad luck this go , but you want to get that thing out of there before its too late, Those things can literaly spread pollen for miles., do NOT let any of those pods open if you can avoid it and I sugesst putting it in a blender with water to keep the...
  5. AthlonJedi

    First time grow... off to a bad start

    I water when the top Inch or so of soil is dry, every 4-5 days in my case and my girls being 20 days old now, I will start them on a light Neut feeding every other watering. They don't need Neuts every day, Feed them, let them use what you give them and adjust as needed indicated by your plants.
  6. AthlonJedi

    Plant is dying, nothing i can do.... BUT I NEED UR HELP

    Looks like Nitrogen is locked out, If the soil is still wet and no moisture is being used dry that soil out asap! Or Mr. Black could also be right, If its flowering, Its using up all the nitro, which if that is the case, might not end up with a very big harvest this round.
  7. AthlonJedi

    cool cfl homemade relector

    Yea but stretch under CFLs isn't nessasarly a good thing .
  8. AthlonJedi

    Can midgrade bagseeds turn into awesome buds?

    would you rather I put babies on spikes and kick kittens? lol humor man, humor.
  9. AthlonJedi

    Can midgrade bagseeds turn into awesome buds?

    Thanks 8) needless to say, I have taken to sacrificing small animals to the Bud Goddess for her wonderful and insanly rare blessing of a gift, I know these have good genes as I live oh, 20 mins from Michigan which is where my guy gets his medicine from. I am just hoping for a continued blessing...
  10. AthlonJedi

    Can midgrade bagseeds turn into awesome buds?

    Nice Pic of VIC there Snake 8)
  11. AthlonJedi

    Can midgrade bagseeds turn into awesome buds?

    Yea the force seems strong with these 8)
  12. AthlonJedi

    Can midgrade bagseeds turn into awesome buds?

    17 day old BAGSEED. As with buying seeds at a despensory/seedbank/whatever it depends on the genetics of the product it came from. I.E. god bud seeds, IF you are lucky enough to find a few viable seeds will produce .... God bud. Low mids of unknown origins will produce the same in kind. If it...
  13. AthlonJedi

    1st try 4 kinds cfl grow

    Thanks Bro, Ill be posting another update friday, I forgot to mention I keep them on 24/7 but they are starting to go nuts lol Ill be fimming these girls in about 5-6 more days (<- edit did say 9 more days but got my day count wrong lol ) , then letting them veg for another 14 after that before...
  14. AthlonJedi

    Can I glue the leaves back on?

    Nah, just get your self a blue police call box , make it into a T.A.R.D.I.S. Then Start calling yourself "The Doctor" and go back to the day and time you allowed yourself to forget to take your dumb attack prevention pills, Then punch yourself in the jimmy so you hurt too bad to make that mistake!
  15. AthlonJedi

    1st try 4 kinds cfl grow

    Althor is just an elitist Cock, We have dickheads like him in the home brewing community too don't pay attention to him, These are my girls after 17 days under 2x42 watt - 2700k and 2x13 watt - 2700 k : And these are BAGSEED. Not to mention NO reflective surfaces and not the "optimal"...
  16. AthlonJedi

    cool cfl homemade relector

    Thats Nifty But I would wait to use it until flowering, looks like your girls are stretching a bit. Good work all in all though. +2 cool points 8)
  17. AthlonJedi

    New Cabinet 110 watt CFL Grow

    Nice Box! I just built one for myself, 3x3x2 and at 17 days in , No reflective surfaces yet, ( fixing that tomorrow ) and 2x42 watt, 2700k and 2x13watt 2700 k <--YES I KNOW, these are being replaced asap! This is what my girls look like. The 2 42 watters are adjustable so I can keep them...
  18. AthlonJedi

    New Victory in Indiana!

    Indiana SB 580 Died in committe as of the 2013 session, Our fucking moron governer Mike Pence accully used it to make our possession laws harsher , Now 1/3 of an ounce is a felony here.
  19. AthlonJedi

    Bill introduced in Congress would fix conflict between state, federal marijuana laws

    While this is good to hear, My state just passed a bill to make marijuanna laws harsher than they already are 8( The fucked up thing about it is it started as a bill to de-criminalize it, but our jackass governer Mike Pence ( just google him and you will know where i live ) wanted to look like...
  20. AthlonJedi

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    Hmmm, I am now at day 17 in a cabnet I built, These are what they look like so far under 2x42 watt 2700 k and 2x13 watt 2700k. I know I need more and a hotter Kelvin range for a real good harvest but cant afford more till the 1st of june, some reflective surfacing wouldnt hurt either, but for...