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  1. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    El Tiberon, you haave it backwards, Its the LEFT wing that wants an american version of a socialist state, "Liberal Democrats" are acully progressives . These people support the ideals of people like psaul linsky, gerbles, Karl Marx , it is a known fact Obama has a team of Behavioral Scientists...
  2. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    Dr Kynes is OBVIOUSLY a progressive Democrat, When all else fails and you are losing an argument , call your opponent racist, The President even does it, Look at what he said YESTERDAY about it, He said racisim was behind the house's actions, Really? No, people not wanting to push your...
  3. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    No, far from it, I have a mixed race child so I would watch just what you say before someone takes offense to it. Jackass.
  4. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    Also I was not aware of that revision, Thus I retract my previous statement regarding it.
  5. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    Yep your right, I stand corrected, wrong USC section, here is the proper one - its USC 18 Chapter 115 Section 2381, Linkage >
  6. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    No No , didnt say he WAS re-distributing it, Just that he WANTS to, he said it himself in his campaign. and recently as well, here is an article about it.
  7. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    I dont think the economy is going to go into freefall again, but it will have an impact.
  8. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    Niether I would say Neo-socialist, He wants universal health care, Obama care being the stepping stone for a single payer heath care system, Re-distrubution of wealth, Well known Marxist idealism there, Cap and trade, not saying we should not find smarter ways to produce energy but making it to...
  9. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    You really think I get my info from fox news? How stoned are you? and Kool-Aid? sounds to me like you are a Obama voter and also a progressive. Nothing wrong with that, to each his own, but really?
  10. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    To sweetleaf ( sorry I shortend your name ) , The evidence is in the 2000 page bill that is now law, BUT you dont have to read much of it to find these things, within the first 10 pages its in there. Here is a PDF of the bill in its entirety...
  11. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    Progressive Mantra : Never let a good crisis go to waste. "those that give up liberty for security deserve neither" - Thomas Jefferson
  12. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    Isnt that horse Hockey? or are they closely related, same strain, different phenotypes maybe? <--see what I did there :mrgreen:
  13. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    That the thing, The affordable heath care act IS the law, Thus all the new powers hidden in it effectively Nullifys the Constitution. Did you know under "Obamacare" doctors are now REQUIRED to ask you about how many guns you own, what kind of guns they are, how much ammuntion you have for them...
  14. AthlonJedi

    goverment shutdown

    Basically all "non-essential" services like say dept of education ( we can do with out ) , dept of consumer protection ( can also do with out ) , and all the other stuff we don't really need in the first place will shut down and the government will end up in a state of existence similar to what...
  15. AthlonJedi

    Newbie, thinking over nute happening

    Sometimes even in soil you can get slight curl on a few leaf tips like this for no reason, as long as this does not turn into the "claw" then I would say, keep an eye on it and if it doesn't progress you should be fine, Otherwise those girls look great for 26 days, cant wait to see mine at that...
  16. AthlonJedi

    New to DWC and impressed already!

    8) yea, I used to hate hand watering my girls, Mixing up their neuts, ect, This method is pretty much propagate, then set them in the DWC after about 2 weeks and let em do their thing, I just hope my state goes at least medical next year so I can set up a RDWC system and let them grow with alot...
  17. AthlonJedi

    New to DWC and impressed already!

    Yep I am using a 15 gallon tub, because my girls were 2 weeks old give or take when I put them in there, Their roots were developed enough for the water splash to keep them moist as the dirt is pretty good at wicking the water to them, almost like rockwool lol so, so far so good 8)
  18. AthlonJedi

    New to DWC and impressed already!

    As Promised a short update : Things seem to be going along great, Babies are growing a little faster than I expected but that is a good thing, so not much else to report at this time 8) Next update will be on Friday, and here are some pics to compare with the pics from 2 days ago. Not a huge...
  19. AthlonJedi

    New to DWC and impressed already!

    Hmmmm, guess Im doing it right since no one has reply to the contrary lol anyway, sorry for the double pics, my internet has been jacked up and was not displaying any pics so I thought I forgot to upload them, Ill take more pics later today and do an update for everyone 8).
  20. AthlonJedi

    DWC flushing times

    @HSA , Im a DWC noob , but I decided to start with Techaflora Recipe for Success also, Was wandering, Do you get good results with it? I don't care about gigantic buds ( well maybe a little ) I am interested in Potency as This is all for my personal medical use ( Classic Migraine, severe joint...