1 Week Old is this how my leaves should look?


Well-Known Member
They look about the same as mine and we are about the same length in. Only I'm doing 12/12 from seed under cfls. They look pretty tho :D


Well-Known Member
Add a small fan to strengthen the stems and move light close as possible [cfl]...
They look fine to me...
Good luck man...


Active Member
They look about the same as mine and we are about the same length in. Only I'm doing 12/12 from seed under cfls. They look pretty tho :D
That will throw them into flower immediately. I had a plant go into flower while it was still a baby and this is what I got, about 2 grams dry.


Well-Known Member
That will throw them into flower immediately. I had a plant go into flower while it was still a baby and this is what I got, about 2 grams dry.
People grow 12/12 from seed all the time. If you only got two grams, you did something wrong.