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  1. desert fox


    Why not just buy some good pot and hopefully get some seeds. Your actually paying for bagseed seeds?
  2. desert fox

    Best wood to use?

    its like plywood only cheaper and more water proof. It looks like shaves of wood glued together and pressed. I prefer MDF medium density fiber board. Its a little heavier but if you use 3/4 you can skip the 2X4 and just screw it together. The more screws the better, pre drill and countersink.
  3. desert fox

    The Marines and reefers?

    Oh yea I am out I guess it gives me a reason to smoke a fatty.
  4. desert fox

    The Marines and reefers?

    Marines will more than likely kick you out. Army will probobly keep you in if your caught however they will take your rank and pay. They are just that hard up for bodies right now. I seen a E-5 promotable go to E-1 and get transfered out of his unit because of pot. Also military life can be...
  5. desert fox

    For those in Mass.

    am I reading that right....they want to tax $250 for selling an OZ of high grade shit. They also want to tax someone producing shitty buds $150 per OZ. They want to collect a $500 annual fee for growing your own. Good luck turning a good profit, but at least its a step closer to...
  6. desert fox

    Are we stealing from future generation

    Fem seeds are kinda flooding the market. How does this affect the gene pool of the seed it produces? I recall growing bag seed with good results without hermaphrodites many years ago that were pretty comparable to great strains by breeders. Second yes, but definatly worth my time to grow...
  7. desert fox

    Greenhouse Seeds are bunk.

    Well said think fem seeds seem to produce less than optimum results. Its a shame that reg seeds are getting harder to find from some companys like greenhouse and dutch passion...or at least from the seedbanks.
  8. desert fox

    seed breeder experience whats ur opinion?

    I like serious and sensi for breeders. Just do your homework and find who makes the best of the strain your looking for. I like serious, because they havent jumped on the feminised seed bandwagon, and only carry 5 strains that are all cup winners. Its kinda older school genetics, very stable...
  9. desert fox

    in love with cannabiogen's

    Its an intresting looking picture, but it is magnified by alot...damn evil marketing. I have yet to see a grow log from it. I like sticking with proven good genetics, but I still would like to see the results of this strain.
  10. desert fox

    You "The People" Tell Me

    I voted for destroyer just because I have never seen anyone grow it, and its been around for a while. It carries a pretty heavy price tag though. My guess is it will be a tough grow similar to haze.
  11. desert fox

    Inbreeding plants

    very good reading. I am curious about IBL and different breeders. Lets take bubblegum for example. Serious Seeds and TH Seeds carry bubblegum. Is one considered better, or are they pretty much the same quality? Or a better example would be Afghani. A few breeders carry it.....Is one...
  12. desert fox

    Genetics and Breeding

    I would like to see a genetics and breeding forum.
  13. desert fox

    legal 90 plant limit, lets explore the options

    You selfish capitalizing bastard....90 plants just aint good enough? You need 90 high yield plants.....just messing with you I am just jealous.
  14. desert fox

    How To Trust And Find A Good Seed Selling Site?

    I have had good luck with attitude seedbank, dr.chronic, and hemp depot. Hemp depot is kind overpriced now, I used to use them many years ago, but if your looking for something rare they might be the only place you can get it. And LEO doesnt waste there time trying to see if you got seeds...
  15. desert fox

    Wacky idea for a monster DIY filter.

    It should work. The best carbon filter I seen in action went away from the normal design. It was a monstrous huge 8X3X3 FEET and it used few furnace filters with the carbon just loosely spread out over them like a trays. I can only imagine due to the shear size of it that it didnt really...
  16. desert fox

    2000w's and 100sq ft, how to hit 3Ps?

    3lbs is very do able with that strain. I used to grow that strain in a sea of green years ago. AK is great for sea of green. I had 4x400 watt and an area of 3X12. I had one plant per sq ft so I had 36 plants. Let them grow veg for a while it will help your yield. I say a week would be...
  17. desert fox

    nirvana has gone under?

    There genetics go to shit because they actually contract out to bread there seeds. I guess in a co-op is what they refer it to. they give out clones and get back seeds. I was in Amsterdam last Nov I ended up picking up a panphlet from them just because its a decent refrence guide of genetics...
  18. desert fox

    I Need to be Comforted. Is America this Bad?

    I was bored and watched it. I thought was humorous. I figured they would have more substance in 2 hours of horseshit propaganda. bilderburg doubt it exist, but I am not buying the whole masterminding of globaliziation superpower driving the world into poverty.
  19. desert fox

    how much can I expect to yield from this plant?

    there is alot of variable, what kinda lights? its looking good so far. Just don't harvest till its ready and you will be happy.
  20. desert fox

    What is you DRINK of choice while Burning ?

    indica- a nice white russian made with heavy cream. If made with heavy cream it solves the munchies. Its like a 1200 calorie drink. Then off to bed. If I feel like staying up I add 2-3 shots of fresh espresso. then throw it all in a martini shaker or better yet throw it in a blender and...