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  1. desert fox

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

    So heating the nuttella weed mix in the micro would have a better effect to release chemicals? Since a small source of heat is provided and the THC and all that jazz can cling to fatty nuttella? I will have to do some expermenting some time with the heat. I don't really eat it all that...
  2. desert fox

    EBB and Flow Setup?

    check out youtube lots of nice looking setups.
  3. desert fox

    I dont understand ventilation

    LED dont produce much heat and a 150HPS is pretty low heat. A 4 inch fan should work well. Look for something quiet. I dont think the LED light need cooling. The 150 should work with a thin glass cool tube. look up something called a hurricane glass from a hobby store. Pyrex bake around is...
  4. desert fox

    can i turn an old oven into a grow box?

    yes you can. However I would think making any modifications would be tough. Its a lot of metal and stuff to cut though. If its junk thrash it up man. It will be origional.
  5. desert fox

    HPS vs CFL - A Flowering Comparison w/pics

    Nice comparison. Hopefully its saves some people from investing in all those CFLs. They do have a purpose, but not for flowering. HPS can be found cheap, its just a matter of spending the extra buck to vent it properly.
  6. desert fox

    Is my fan working right?

    Is that a ground hooked up? To hook up the fan the The white is nutrual or common. Connect one wire to this one. And depending on what speed you want to run it....connect the other wire to black (high) or brown (low). Lose the ground completely. It looks like you have it correct in the...
  7. desert fox

    HOW MUCH WEED DO YOU SMOKE???.....I think i might be a stoner

    An oz last me about 2 weeks. 60 or 70 bucks for a oz. Its shitty weed so I really don't like smoking it all that much. Higher grade usually is usually about a 1/8 or a 1/4 a week.
  8. desert fox

    watch out for welfare cell phones

    Omg is it safe to go outside? I think your being a little too paranoid.
  9. desert fox

    Any tips on how to sell your stuff?

    Well you have to prioritize. What are you trying to accomplish? I used to grow on a large scale and had a partner that was well trusted. He move it. I had no contact with anyone else. We were good friends. Know your laws and what he can actually get away with with just a slap on the wrist...
  10. desert fox

    Sigh, is it really this hard?

    your crop doesn't look awful. Keep it going man. Find your faults and correct them. It seems you got a pretty nice light. Now your next step is venting. Run a cool tube into the attic. It will help. Find a easy soil mix that will work. Fox farms is simple stuff. Its best to keep it...
  11. desert fox

    Carbon filter and exhaust fan, on 18.6, will it smell for the 6 its off???????

    tape, envelope, and signed check....on the door. No reason to have your landlord in your room or house for that matter every week. Especially growing...I could see this going badly.
  12. desert fox

    how long to leave seeds in the fridge?

    store them in a dark container. also add dry rice or silica gel packets to absorb moisture. Take out only what you need and return them to the fridge asap. You should be good for a year or two, but I have heard of beans sprouting at 5 years using this method. I do this. I use a little...
  13. desert fox

    The cannabis cup

    There is alot of marketing involved. Its just the nature of the beast. Yea greenhouse does seem to have the big names stopping by the coffee shop. Bulldog is a cool place but there is alot of smaller coffee shops that put out some primo stuff that don't get alot of recongnition. I really...
  14. desert fox

    seed boutique freebies?

    I was having some dificulty finding standard DP blueberry seeds for a decent price. They had them in stock and sent out a 5 pack of standard Mazar as freebies. Very nice since the freebies are from the same breeder and roughly simialar flowering times. Shipping was just as fast as additude...
  15. desert fox

    extractors needed at night?

    yes just make sure you dont have a moisture problem. I have a little clip fan that runs 24/7 but the extractor and ocilating fan run only when the lights are on.
  16. desert fox

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

    what you need is nutella, a chewy granola bar (I like chocolate chunk) and some vanilla ice cream.....oh and 1-3 grams of pot. I did try it with 3 grams just to see how much taste I could was almost scary, but didnt :spew: I use a small bowl that I use to make esspresso. The...
  17. desert fox

    question about romulan

    I ordered romulan seeds from greenlifeseeds. I plan on saving them for a rainy day. The breeder is Next generation seed co. Unfortunatly greenlifeseeds was the only place to order them. They are not a very good seedbank, but the only place that carries romulan from next generation. Rumor...
  18. desert fox

    no good info but leaves you going wtf

    I enjoyed it cuz I was stoned. You tube has some dumb shit on there sometime.
  19. desert fox

    Any paper reflectors?

    Or panda film would be easier. Just get the thick stuff and ditch the tarp all together.
  20. desert fox

    Any paper reflectors?

    Have you tried using velcro to attach mylar to the tarp? It works like a charm cuz you can adjust each corner it to get out the wrinkles. Just make sure the tarp is nice and tight. If the velcro doesnt stick to the tarp try putting duct tape and then velcro to the duct tape, or glue or...