The cannabis cup


Well-Known Member
I have just been reading a section in uk 420 and i was reading that a couple of years ago that peacemaker was entered has white rhino and got 3 prize.this compation should be put under more screwtany the seeds should be seen germanated then a documented. video dairy should also be put forward with the plants.I also think that the judges should be selected a week before this give no chance for curruption a mini bus should be put on hand to stop all this free rides to differant coffee shops.they should not be allowed to have contact with each.One person should be put with each judge to make sure that he or she are not swayed.this goes to show how easy it is to make these guys who are promoting and haveing this competion on there venue's. When two actors can turn up with a weed that was created by one of the other entrys won the catagory how can this be possible i tell you why the weed that greenhouse produce is to a great standard same has derion,but to be honest i have had far better in the uk than i have evr smoked in amsterdam[jackherer]the don off all cannabis anyone have any idea when greenhouse are gonna bring a femanised version of this out.the point is the greatest cannabis cup has come down too money just like football the more money you have the more you can put back in.i think it would be a great jester on both the main front runners if they pull out for a year and give a few of the smaller supplyers a chance great little shops grey area ,soma.why waste time going there anymore i would rather go somewhere nice and warm and i can tell you who has won b4 it is announced [fix]for arjon money is not the root of all eveil it is the root to more money.also simon who does most of the ground work for greenhouse is never mention this guy is resposible for all of the strain hunter dvd's shit man show the guy some respect.and take them daft fucking coulours of the seeds i had 100% germanation rate since this has been added i lucky if i get 3 out of 5 many friend are also findind this coulouring has a gimmik give the couloured seeds to guys who can't read we can so give us back the old greenhouse arjon.


Well-Known Member
I've not been to the cannabis cup but I can believe it could be interfered with by 'politics'.

I was thinking of buying one of the mixed pack of seeds from greenhouse when I'm over there in a few weeks but you don't make them sound very good.

I guess their strains must be pretty killer otherwise people wouldn't keep buying from them.


Well-Known Member
Non marijuana seed companies have been using the coating on seeds for years, it's not just a Green House Seeds Gimick.

They are called pelleted seeds and a lot of lettuces and leaf vegetable seeds will have the coating on there. Green House Seeds just went a step further and made them multi colored.

desert fox

Well-Known Member
There is alot of marketing involved. Its just the nature of the beast. Yea greenhouse does seem to have the big names stopping by the coffee shop. Bulldog is a cool place but there is alot of smaller coffee shops that put out some primo stuff that don't get alot of recongnition. I really liked the dolphin and grey area and I think the place was called rasta baby. Its kinda like comparing apples to oranges, cuz some are just coffee shops and other are coffee shops and breeders. Here is a experiment to try giving a younger brother some non-alcoholic beer. He will probably act drunk. Or how about a fancy restaurant..does the food taste a little better? The perception of your mind can have a big influence. Did I buy SSH from greenhouse....yes. It was good, but I have to say I liked other stuff better personally. I tried a side to side comparison of WW from dj shaman and greenhouse. I liked dj shaman better, but who knows it could have been just plain grown under better conditions, harvested at different times. It was too small of a test to get a definitive answer of which was better. Would I pick dj shaman over greenhouse for WW seeds? I could, but I wouldn't feel the least bit disappointed if I choose to go with greenhouse. More people have grown WW from greenhouse. Greenhouse has good genetics and you cant fuck with that, and his marketing strategy is taking him further than others. I cant be mad at that, but just be aware of it and make an informed desicion when buying seeds. The color mixes seem to have alot of good genetics for a cheep price with variety. I steer away from fem seeds, so I wouldnt buy them, but if your on a budget I say they would be a good investment. But ultimately you get what you pay for, just like pick and mix single seeds.


Well-Known Member
dont they have packages for the cannabis cup where you(the atendee) can pay a few extra bucks to become a judge.. its all about makin money... it is a business after all..
then again, south amsterdam is trying to change the law or actually in the works of making coffee shops private smoke shops. once this happens, there will be a several day waiting period to get a card and the only payment method will be taking out of your bank or credit card. this is supposed to go into effect to stop the drug tourism and keep the smoke shops for the people of amsterdam.. figure ya'll wont believe me so here is a link so ya can read it for yourselves :p