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  1. TheSpiderMite

    Wind Block Solutions??? Anybody??? Anything??? CHEAP!!!

    Shade cloth cover plants,block wind,reduce heat and still let in enough light to get amazing plants as compared to a wall.
  2. TheSpiderMite

    is this a Female?

    :wall:.....Male!!!!!! Chop or collect and freeze pollen
  3. TheSpiderMite

    Droopy leaves

    Have you ever noticed when you take clones outside the humid environment they begin to wilt because their root mass are small and it's a harsher climate.
  4. TheSpiderMite

    Droopy leaves

    By any chance did you just move then from indoors to outside
  5. TheSpiderMite

    Help Small White bugs!

    Possibly springtails
  6. TheSpiderMite

    What is the fastest autoflowering cannabis seed? Don't worry their reliable
  7. TheSpiderMite

    Just bought seeds, have my grow closet set up, now what....

    Yeah 2700k is more on the red spectrum which is closer to the natural sunlight during summer solstice (flowering) outdoors have you tryed these bulbs out yet is the bulb more yellow/red or a soft white.
  8. TheSpiderMite

    Dry ice for co2???

    Yes using Dry Ice wil release CO2 but doing so gives you a unbalanced level of carbon dioxide which can kill you plants.
  9. TheSpiderMite

    Just bought seeds, have my grow closet set up, now what....

    Yeah you can get a small Sea of Green type grow going with that remember though that plants require less lighting during vegative growth as compared to flowering were you will need to upgrade to either more CFLs or a HPS fixture what spectrum of light are those CFLs 6500k or 2700k
  10. TheSpiderMite

    K. NOW WTF IS THIS? pics

    Go with Dutch Master's Reverse which stops pollination on intersex plants or just pluck them and salvage what you can she will still harvest a decent yield.
  11. TheSpiderMite

    K. NOW WTF IS THIS? pics

    She's going hermie or the more proper term intersex try to pluck as many pollen sacks as you can and try to keep the stress down.
  12. TheSpiderMite

    What age is your preferred time to top/FIM?

    I top after the 4th Node
  13. TheSpiderMite

    paper cup seedlings?

    No as long it's not those clear plastic ones that exposé light to roots I always use paper cup cause it's easier to take them apart at my outdoor sites.
  14. TheSpiderMite

    Placing a layer of Perlite on Top of your Soil?

    It's used as a top layer of mulch how has nobody post this yet as it keeps moisture from dissipating faster from your soil top and less heat to your root system.
  15. TheSpiderMite

    Who know what OG stands for?

    Looking for Charlie Sheen OG seeds pm me.
  16. TheSpiderMite

    what am i doing wrong..

    Plant 1 & 2 are fine but 3 & 4 were dwarfed sometime in their life from either too much heat/too little heat,root bounb,over/under watering and over feeding.
  17. TheSpiderMite

    Just bought seeds, have my grow closet set up, now what....
  18. TheSpiderMite

    Just bought seeds, have my grow closet set up, now what....

    Everybody I'm tired and don't want to type another long post can someone explain to him about CFL lighting which is more in his budget range.
  19. TheSpiderMite

    Flowering question

    Don't forget that Indica genetics flower up to 8-10 weeks So in about 2 weeks your calyxes will really swell.
  20. TheSpiderMite

    Just bought seeds, have my grow closet set up, now what....

    So start by taking that foil down as foil is not good for reflection and can distribute light unevenly so your actually losing more light start by painting the inside of the closet a flat or glossy this will increase the reflection using foil you have a reflection percent 70%-75% with a flat...