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  1. jawbrodt

    Rootbound?? Opinions?? Help??

    I'd say that it's not rootbound, and still has aways to go, for that. That being said, I agree with ya, that it's a good time to transplant, because those roots are getting to the point that foliage will be restricted, wanting to grow upwards, rather than outwards. It's at about the same point...
  2. jawbrodt

    Is this Nitrogren defficiency?

    ^I think it's quite urgent, multiple deficiencies are showing, and it's gonna get worse, rather quickly. When you feed them, make sure to use a complete fert mixture, that contains everything, and as mentioned....start weak, watch how they react, and go from there.
  3. jawbrodt

    HelP! My grow lights died!

    ^I've been using T8 6-bulb lights, for a couple years now, and they work great for vegging. Their main downfall, is when the plants get bigger than 16-18", and start stretching a little, as the lights lose intensity. I've found that it's not much use vegging bigger than that, anyway. 10-12", is...
  4. jawbrodt

    Benefits of playing music to your babies?

    ^LOL, exactly. I'm SURE the 'music thing' has been tested, hundreds, if not thousands of times, and if there was any truth to it, we'd all know by know, and every serious grower would be doing it.
  5. jawbrodt

    Planted Seed In The Middle Now A Random Seedling Appeared 5" Away From The Middle???

    I agree with massah, i don't think it's a MJ plant. Better give it a couple days though, just to be 100%.
  6. jawbrodt

    HPS Vegging

    I usually do mine at about 6" tall, with 8 nodes or so. That gives ya plenty of lower branches to rise up to the canopy. Some may grow faster than the rest, so you can bend those over for a couple days, and the rest will catch up. The trick, is keeping all the tops at about the same heigth, it...
  7. jawbrodt

    HPS Vegging

    ^Ha, I have Master Kush growing too, but idk which ones are which, because the idiots at Nirvana, mixed all my seeds together, and didn't label them(I bought 2 feminized indoor mixes).lol I'd look into supercropping, if I were you, it's more effective than topping,(IMO) if you're looking to...
  8. jawbrodt

    I'm in week 7 of flowering how much longer?

    At least 2 more weeks, maybe even 3, or a bit more. Hard to say, at this point.
  9. jawbrodt

    what it do

    In 2 gallon pots, nine would be a good number...3 rows of 3.(3 foot by 3 foot, square, under your reflector) You could go with 4 rows of 4, but that's stretching a 400, a little thin. Go 2 by 2, if you want denser buds.
  10. jawbrodt

    HPS Vegging

    I just setup my 1000 HPS tonight, for my first time vegging under HID. These are going from T8 fluoros, to 1000 watts, tomorrow night. Wish me luck....
  11. jawbrodt

    Checking ppm in soil....?????

    In order for your meter to pick it up, it actually has to be dissolved in solution, which typically means....fert buildup. When you're still feeding them just water, that's a good time to take note of what the PPM is, before adding anything yourself. You're right though, in that soils aren't...
  12. jawbrodt

    Checking ppm in soil....?????

    Yeah, somewhat, you can check it to give you an idea what's going on. For example, if you pour in 200 PPM, and it comes out 1500 PPM, you have alot of crap in your soil. Back when I was anal about checking everything,lol I'd flush my medium when it had alot of buildup, and keep flushing until...
  13. jawbrodt

    Myth Buster in Action

    ^Agreed, MG isn't bad at all. Almost every problem I've seen with it, has been caused by the grower, and could've been prevented. I just started a new grow, myself, and if I hadn't had a little bit of FFOF left, it would be straight MG Potting Mix. When I move them to their 5-gallon pots, it'll...
  14. jawbrodt

    first grow help

    ^Don't get too carried away, with the trimming, or you can stunt the plant, which wouldn't be a good thing during flowering. I know it's tempting, because everybody wants their plants to look puuuuurty, but it's too easy to get 'chop happy', and do more harm than good. Sounds like you got alot...
  15. jawbrodt

    First time Closet Grown.....

    You should lower your light a little, and get some kind of spacers under the shorter plants, so they are all at the same level. You'd be amazed at the difference, and it'll stop the stretching, making them grow wide, instead of tall.
  16. jawbrodt

    Ph too low/growing in soil

    ^Another tip that works pretty well...... .....take a piece of wire, like a coat-hanger, and poke a bunch of holes down into the soil, after you've dumped the pellets on top of your soil. This allows a bunch of them to fall deeper inside the medium, and I believe, helps the lime work faster...
  17. jawbrodt

    watts per sq. ft. and lumens

    Ya wanna know 'for sure', what sort of intensity your plants are getting? Go somewhere like Ebay, buy a cheap light meter, for around $30, and take some measurements around your plants. Not only will you know what your plants are receiving, you can also use the meter to adjust your lights, to...
  18. jawbrodt

    Barney's Farm Vanilla Kush strain specific issue

    Sweet, best of luck to ya. I'm also another fan of Dynagro nutes, and don't recommend switching, if you like the results. I've never tried their Foliage Pro, but use their 'Grow' and 'Bloom' ferts, with great results. I also use their Protekt(a silica supplement), and Calmag Plus, along with the...
  19. jawbrodt

    1000 watt HPS grow - PPP - Master Kush - Afghani - Skunk #1 - and Nirvana Special

    3 days later, and they are looking pretty good, recovering from the transplant, nicely..... :leaf: Tomorrow they'll need watered(day 4), and I think I'll have them under the 1000 HPS, by Sunday. I just gotta get my ass busy, and hang that big-ass reflector I bought(The Big Kahuna, from HTG...
  20. jawbrodt

    Back To Parallel Nodes In Flowering?

    I don't think ya really have anything to worry about, 'cause the plant looks rather immature yet. Get that nitrogen under control, and you should be okay.