Planted Seed In The Middle Now A Random Seedling Appeared 5" Away From The Middle???


Active Member
should I leave it for a couple days and see if its a marijuana plant or should I just kill it also if its Arjan Haze 3 (sativa dominant) how can I move it to the middle without killing it?


Well-Known Member
Leave the plant where it is right now. When the plant is big enough to transplant you can center it in the next pot. The root system is EXTREMELY fragile at this stage


Well-Known Member
that doesn't look like a marijuana plant...looks way too small...but its not going to hurt anything to leave it for a few days to see what it does...where'd you get the soil from? :)


Well-Known Member
I agree with massah, i don't think it's a MJ plant. Better give it a couple days though, just to be 100%.


Active Member
I'll hopefully find out tomorrow because it looks like the next pair of leaves are going to come out (I saw this big ball inbetween the 2 leaves.