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  1. OutDaCloset

    Attention Atheist

    make the appropriate preparations for smoking!
  2. OutDaCloset

    Attention Atheist

    grab ur bong, bowl, pipe, joint, blunt, etc.!
  3. OutDaCloset

    Attention Atheist

    everybody just shut up!
  4. OutDaCloset

    Hermie????? Can bannana grow out of cola?????

    i've had that same thing happen to my girl before. It was a little yellowish out growth that looked abnormal, so i plucked it. It did no damage as i had no seeds in any of the bud that i found it on. dont worry dude, just pluck it if its bothering you that much.
  5. OutDaCloset

    help please-my drying flowers are dying

    how hot is it in the closet. it should be around 65 70 degrees. also ABSOLUTELY NO LIGHT in the drying closet.
  6. OutDaCloset

    150 hps with cfls second indoor grow

    and i dont think the plants are getting proper air circulation since they're sitting so deep in those buckets. get some fans over those buckets and some oscilating fans in the grow area. oh how long have u been growing?
  7. OutDaCloset

    150 hps with cfls second indoor grow

    i would get fox farms dirt, i didnt see a thermometer so u should get one of those, get some nutes with a high N for vegging, and get some nutes for flowering high P. you also need some 6500 k lights for vegging, as this is what the plants need during vegging.
  8. OutDaCloset

    Topping +REP for good answer

    ok you want to cut at the tippy top of the plant where it makes a Y, where new baby leaves are coming in, inbetween the two leaves. you just cut the growth tip off that is in between the Y, so that the plant's tip actually looks like a Y. you should see new grow tips coming in, in about 3 days.
  9. OutDaCloset

    Where do the seeds come from????

    no, all weed does not have seeds. if you have all females and no males than yes there will be no seeds in your grow. i recently learned that female plants that are left to flower too long will eventually make pollen sacks and pollinate themselves, thats a whole nother science tho....
  10. OutDaCloset

    Are these plants Hermies?

    oh, so what does this happen at say about 14-15 weeks flowering time. and yeah i'll rep u naw i'm gonna have to try this and get some fem seeds.
  11. OutDaCloset

    Are these plants Hermies?

    what is fem pollen, does it even exist. i mean how can a male flower make female pollen.
  12. OutDaCloset

    strange Vicodin

    the best way to avoid taking wrong pills is to just dont do pills. damn, i mean weed is good enough.
  13. OutDaCloset

    Are these plants Hermies?

    funny, i've heard that same thing. idk just try it out if u want to and see for urself, wont hurt to keep growing them.
  14. OutDaCloset

    Are these plants Hermies?

    im not sure what u can do with hermies. if anything just isolate them and get some "hermie weed" lol. dont use the seeds tho, they will be hermie too.
  15. OutDaCloset

    Whats Crossing White Widow And Juicey Fruit Equal????

    i was just thinking, maybe you should germ a male and a female of each genetic. that way you can breed a male juicy fruit with a female widow, and vice versa. im no breeder, but i think changing pairing of the genetics like that matters in relation to strain stability.
  16. OutDaCloset

    Are these plants Hermies?

    on pic 1 i think i see some hairs (female flower-cluster), then right underneath is some balls (male flowers) tell me if this is what u see too. if so then yeah plant 1 is hermie. plant 2 is clearly hermie, as you can see the female hairs in pic 3 and then male balls in pic 4. im not so sure...
  17. OutDaCloset

    SSH sea of green

    you should get around 12.894 lbs wet, and 4.298673637 oz dry............. no one can guesstimate how much your grow op will yeild. it all depends on ur skills and how u tend to your plants needs.
  18. OutDaCloset

    Whats Crossing White Widow And Juicey Fruit Equal????

    chimney, are u planning on mating two plants of the two genetics to try and cross breed them?
  19. OutDaCloset

    male or female

    its a girl. since you changed the light cycles, it stopped flowering for a while so that accounts for the weird looking preflowers. be careful when u switch light cycles like that, cause it causes stress on the plant and can affect it in ways ranging from stunted flowering time, to going...