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  1. OutDaCloset

    germinated in soil

    no light until it pops its shell. you should keep the dirt around the seed moist always.
  2. OutDaCloset

    NEW PC GROW CASE - 1st Time grower

    Sorry if this is late advice but, u dont want an INTAKE fan blowing on ur lights. what u do want is to position the lights right next to an EXHAUST, and have an INTAKE fan blowing on ur plants. With ur set up i would put two EXHAUST fans up by the lights, with both fans on the same side, and...
  3. OutDaCloset

    Were my blunt rollers at

    yeah as you can tell my my name, i grow exclusively indoors. I use CFLs, and get some nice buds.
  4. OutDaCloset

    Were my blunt rollers at

    i grow just look at my avatar, thats some of my very own.
  5. OutDaCloset


    i use the miracle grow bloom booster 15-30-15 half strenghth, works wonders and the plants love it. i have to feed every other other watering, or else it burns the plant.
  6. OutDaCloset

    Were my blunt rollers at

    i stay smokin on the wine flavored swisha sweets, no less than two beezys a day. wish i could show you this stogie i got pearled up right now, but i got no camera.
  7. OutDaCloset

    How about that oil spill!

    This whole thing is a complete disaster, almost to the point that u think BP was doing nothing on purpose. I mean, given the amount of oil that is leaking into the ocean everyday, and the very serious and adverse effects this could have on the planet, you would think that the government and BP...
  8. OutDaCloset

    Help with my temps

    thanks for the quick response. ill try to find some old computer fans and get them running too.
  9. OutDaCloset

    Help with my temps

    im growing in a box with 72 watts of CFL bulbs plus one 3 foot tube. the temps in my box keep getting up in the high 80's. they've even risen up to 92. i have two intake fans that i got from a computer but thats all. should i get more fans or sumthing help appreciated
  10. OutDaCloset

    Kloset Grow Box Round 2

    nice grow. thats being lst'd right? im starting a new plant, its in its 3rd week of veg now, and i plan on topping and lsting it. any tips for the lsting part, this will be my first attempt.
  11. OutDaCloset

    So the Obama Administration is okay with other countries encroaching our borders. . .

    i dont know why people get so worked up about this illegal alien issue anyways. its not like it has that much of an impact on peoples lives. For one; most jobs that illegal immigrants take, are jobs that even the lowest educated american wouldn't take. Two; the illegal immigrants that do...
  12. OutDaCloset

    2012 Will be very sad if...

    If anything is going to happen on 12-21-2012, you can be sure the world governments will use every available resourse to keep it a secret. Global panic isn't a good thing.
  13. OutDaCloset

    bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?

    No No No, if you're having a child, dont take any fucking risks. Tell him to chop that shit, ready or not 2 weeks before ur due date. This will give him time to harvest and dry, then by that time the weed will be curing when the baby comes home. No smell, No grow op, No worries. :)
  14. OutDaCloset

    how do you trim?

    i like to trim and dry at harvest too. im picky on what leaves i'll trim off tho... If its a tiny, trichromed laiden leaf, thats hard to reach, i'll leave it
  15. OutDaCloset


    i mean after all, all government is, is a nations "supervisor"
  16. OutDaCloset


    this chemtrail stuff is crazy... you never know what their intentions are, and what they are really trying to do....according to the document thats on the first page, its a collaborative "experiment" that Eastern governments, and the US are doing to controll the world's climate. Like i said...
  17. OutDaCloset

    Simple Game...

    dual orgasm
  18. OutDaCloset

    420 conversation

    its idiots like those, that fuel the propoganda, and anti- legalization campaigns, that us educated, and true smokers face today
  19. OutDaCloset

    How do you make yours?

    Wine flavored Swisha Sweet + freshly cured Homegrown= My high.
  20. OutDaCloset

    Simple Game...
