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  1. Stoner Smurf

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    This post really really deserves to be a sticky. Can we get a sticky up in here?
  2. Stoner Smurf

    Is There Something Wrong With My Aero-Cloner?

    Really? I am sure that was an exaggeration for quick. Well I've had the bumps for several days now but no roots, that's not quick and it's especially not minutes :( Each day I have no roots I get more and more nervous. I am going to be pissed if they die and I have to start over, that will...
  3. Stoner Smurf

    Is There Something Wrong With My Aero-Cloner?

    Three days ago I finally got some white bumps or growths on the side of the stem. Still no roots though. How long from white bumps to roots?
  4. Stoner Smurf

    Ultimate Co2 Controller Solution!

    I actually just found out they have power expansion modules. (didn't shop around just took first link to show what I was talking about)
  5. Stoner Smurf

    Ultimate Co2 Controller Solution!

    Does the Sentinel CHHC-4 just plug in or does it need to be hard wired in? It has a 15 amp max for all four slots correct? There is one slot for a heater, one slot for an A/C or fan, one slot setup to run either a humidifier or dehumidifier, and one slot for CO2 generator, correct? 15 Amps...
  6. Stoner Smurf

    Legal or NOT legal

    It really depends on the dispensary. Some will take an appt to look at your meds no matter what, but theres a few where you need a membership to get past the secretary. Either way it's not really a big deal, and staying away from dispensaries because your are afraid of the feds is stupid...
  7. Stoner Smurf

    hydrotron turning green

    I know it's not uncommon, it's algae that's a growing. I know it's not a good thing, but I am pretty sure it's relatively benign. Don't take that as 100% fact because I am not exactly sure. And either way it's ugly and you don't want it, so you should try to prevent it. What kind of set up...
  8. Stoner Smurf

    Is There Something Wrong With My Aero-Cloner?

    Nope not yet. They look the same as the day I cut them. No roots yet but they do still look very healthy. I am running the pump 24/7. I've heard people say that it needs to be on a recycle timer 4min on 1 min off. But I've heard just as many people say they run it 24/7, and since my water...
  9. Stoner Smurf

    Is There Something Wrong With My Aero-Cloner?

    So I always hear people claiming they get roots in 4-5 days using an ez-cloner type aero-cloner. I have 14 cuttings in a 24-site cloner (the 10 sites not in use are covered by neoprine inserts). It's been 6 days and not a single one has roots. My water temp is a constant 74F, air temp is...
  10. Stoner Smurf

    Freeze Drying Bud and Commercial Freeze Dryers

    According to Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Grower's Handbook, which on a side note is hands down the best growing book I've read and I've read 7 or 8, the best way to dry/cure your bud is by freeze drying. After letting it hang for a few days you put it in a freeze dryer. Freeze drying uses...
  11. Stoner Smurf

    Under Current Hydroponics

    I am actually in the process of building one of these. This is the first I've heard them called Under Current systems, I've just been incorrectly calling it a DWC. But it's pretty much a bunch of DWCs connected. Anywho mine is different then all the one's I've seen. I am using 3 of the 27gal...
  12. Stoner Smurf

    What Size Net Pots Do You Use?

    Just as the title says, what size net pots do you use? I see a lot of people using rather big net pots in DWC, and I don't get it. Is there any reason to use 6"+ net pots in DWC? Bigger pots just means more hydroton, the plants get their nutrients from the water anyway. I was planning on...
  13. Stoner Smurf

    600w Vanilla Kush / Using Dyna-Gro

    Sub'ed. Excited to see Dyna-Gro in action. That's some good shit. +Rep
  14. Stoner Smurf

    Harvest Every Week SLH In DWC [Youtube Video Format]

    It says I got to spread the rep around cause I rep'ed your grow in my thread. But I am going to rep your grow again, cause I am really impressed. You have so many reservoirs and yet some how you stay on top of them all.
  15. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    No sir, I was not planning on using a drip ring. I clone in a DIY EZ-Cloner, just plan on letting the roots get long enough they reach the oxygenated water. There are no air stones on the picture, but obviously I will have air stones hooked up to the tubes. I didn't think drip rings to be...
  16. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    Hydroalltheway that's a nice set-up I guess, but it's of no relevance to this thread at all. Not really trying to be a dick but you come in here, misunderstand my drawing, then just post pictures of your unrelated grow using an unrelated method. So even though you may have used 4" pipe and...
  17. Stoner Smurf

    First Hydro Grow. I screwed it up

    I'd be very careful with those seeds. If you had no males in your garden your probably had a hermie. I've never heard of stressing a plant and it growing seeds with out pollination but I have heard of stressed plants turning hermie. If those seeds are an off spring of a hermie pretty sure it...
  18. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    The plants sit in net pots in the rubbermaids above bubbling water, like a normal DWC. The PVC is used only to connect all the rubbermaids together so I change one reservoir instead of 5. The PVC pipe is horizontal, the plants sit in the rubbermaids.
  19. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    Thanks for that link disposition, that's some good reading. I'd rep you but it says I gots to spread it around first. Soon as I have the money I am just going to get a .25 chiller, it's only 50 bucks more. Those black and yellow home depot totes look cool but they're big 27 gallons. The...
  20. Stoner Smurf

    My Hydro Set-Up. +Rep For Constructive Input

    So I've grown pretty tired of dirt. There is so much about growing in dirt that just sucks. So after this crop I'm going to be switching to a DWC system. That will be about 3 weeks from now. So I am gathering the parts to start building my system. I was hoping someone with some experience...