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  1. Sexypenguin41

    over watered and light too close?

    what's the temperature in there?
  2. Sexypenguin41

    CFLs help

    Baz, if you were a plant, you'd understand why the blue spectrum is delicious ;)
  3. Sexypenguin41

    Yeast for CO2?

    i'd say you could add a little more yeast and sugar to that mix. experiment a little and see how your plants respond :)
  4. Sexypenguin41

    CO2 by breathing?

    i was just wondering, since i check on my plants throughout most of the day, how much beneficial CO2 would they receive by me breathing on them?
  5. Sexypenguin41

    cfl question please help

    painting it white is good, but if you don't want to buy paint and go through the trouble (like me) you can cover it with white computer paper. it works quite well as a reflector
  6. Sexypenguin41

    Yeast for CO2?

    yeah, that's a good way of making CO2. i've used it myself and the plants responded really well. I used a water bottle with a hole burned through the cap and a straw that came out and when over the plants so the CO2 would sink down on the plants. and then every once in a while i'd shake the...
  7. Sexypenguin41

    cfl's V's hid's

    yes, rev. Hagee is inspired by the works of the great prophet Elijahuana
  8. Sexypenguin41

    cfl's V's hid's

    the most cost effective way i find to grow a plant is open a bible in front of it. When it sees the will grow physically... and spiritually. ;)
  9. Sexypenguin41

    CFLs help

    get a lot of the daylight ones for veg. they contain more of that delicious blue spectrum the plant needs during veg. i got the 23 watt (about 6-7 bucks) i'd also suggest getting some of the really bright ones. the biggest ones i found at hardware stores around where i live was the 43 watt cfls...
  10. Sexypenguin41

    soil question on first grow/ PICS

    how much does 1.5 cubic feet actually fill up? two gallons?
  11. Sexypenguin41

    soil question on first grow/ PICS

    hey, i'm about a week and a half into my first grow, and i have four healthy (as far as i can tell) plants. I'm gonna buy some soil to transplant them this next week, and i'd like to get fox farm ocean forest, but i really can't afford more than one bag (1.5 cubic feet). i have some vermiculite...
  12. Sexypenguin41

    Getting started.

    if you don't want TOO many bulbs, buy the 43 watt cfl's. they put out 2700 lumens each and they're only slightly more expensive (about 8 bucks a bulb). you'll need less fixtures which will save space. also, i noticed you're probably using the bright white bulbs, which are fine, but for the veg...
  13. Sexypenguin41

    First grow setup/ seedlings

    oh i forgot to mention those plants are about 5 days old. i began the germination process seven days ago, and i know i don't have room for five plants in my closet, so some of them have to die... and i'm gonna have to be the one to kill them
  14. Sexypenguin41

    First grow setup/ seedlings

    hey guys, i finally got my first grow on it's way and i wanted some opinions, and maybe some advice. I've got two gro lux bulbs (23 watts and 1500 lumens each) and a combination of 2 daylight, 2 bright white and one soft white flouros that total 150 watts (12000 lumens in all) all 5 seedlings...
  15. Sexypenguin41

    Does Miracle-Grow work??

    miracle grow works great. I would stick with the all purpose stuff that you can mix with your water. It's got plenty of nitrogen and phosphorous so don't burn the plant. the only thing it doesn't have is potassium and you can find lots of easy sources of potassium.
  16. Sexypenguin41

    Virgin grower – CFLs

    if you're going cfl's (i do, they're cheap, easy to cool and they work) for the veg it's best to use the daylight bulbs, and soft white for flowering. On my set up i use a few daylight to begin and soft white for flowering, and i throw in a few bright white all through out because they have both...