Yeast for CO2?


Well-Known Member
I have been spraying my lowryder plants occasionally with sodium-free seltzer water in order to give them more CO2, because I keep them in a very small area (2.5feetx3feetx2.5 feet) in which they would obviously use up all the CO2 over time. However, as the situation sits, it is becoming to hard to take the plants out of the box safely and spray their leaves. Spraying in the box is out of the question and the plants are just too big to keep moving every day.

I came up with an idea from when I used to brew beer in my basement: I am keeping sugar water with some yeast sprinkled in it inside a jar in the grow cabinate. It fizzes a little and kind of smells like alcohol should, so I know its doing its thing. I just wanted to see if anybody has used this method before and if there will be any adverse effects to the Cannibus?



Active Member
yeah, that's a good way of making CO2. i've used it myself and the plants responded really well. I used a water bottle with a hole burned through the cap and a straw that came out and when over the plants so the CO2 would sink down on the plants. and then every once in a while i'd shake the water bottle up to mix it again and keep it going. Just make sure you ventilate well, because depending on how much yeast and sugar water you're using, you could create too much for that small of an area


Well-Known Member
yeah, that's a good way of making CO2. i've used it myself and the plants responded really well. I used a water bottle with a hole burned through the cap and a straw that came out and when over the plants so the CO2 would sink down on the plants. and then every once in a while i'd shake the water bottle up to mix it again and keep it going. Just make sure you ventilate well, because depending on how much yeast and sugar water you're using, you could create too much for that small of an area
Thanks for the info. I use about one cup of water to one tbsp sugar to 1/2 tsp yeast in a 2x2x3 area. I have two cups going five days apart so I can cycle them as they die off. Is this too much?


Well-Known Member
the best set up I ever saw was put grape juice and yeast in a bucket and wait now you have cheapass home made wine drunk and stone at the same time theres more to it but cant fine the instructions


Well-Known Member
The yeast setup does indeed create CO2, but not enough to really make a difference in growth rates.


Active Member
i'd say you could add a little more yeast and sugar to that mix. experiment a little and see how your plants respond :)


Well-Known Member
i'd say you could add a little more yeast and sugar to that mix. experiment a little and see how your plants respond :)
Update: I tried a new batch when the last one died off (probably because it didn't have enough sugar to eat). It has been fizzing vigorously and my plants all grew new, healthier leaves overnight with dramatic response. Thanks! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sexypenquin41, Great tip about running a hose out of the bottle to above the plants because the co2 is more dense then the air, Why didn't I think of that?! Thanks