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  1. Sexypenguin41

    yellowing leaves/brown spots PICS

    here they are now, and the one on the left is female for sure :)
  2. Sexypenguin41

    is female preflowering normal w/ only 6 hours dark?

    yeah, mine showed preflowers under 24 hour light after a little under 2 months
  3. Sexypenguin41

    yellowing leaves/brown spots PICS

    well i'm flushing the soil cause that's the safest thing to do and most likely will fix it. we'll see in a few days to a week if it fixes it. plus i'm testing the ph everytime to make sure. I started the 12/12 cycle today. here's to hoping they have big green vaginas. :)
  4. Sexypenguin41

    yellowing leaves/brown spots PICS

    oh i know it won't die, but it's obviously lacking something or something isn't right, and i want the plant as healthy as possible
  5. Sexypenguin41

    yellowing leaves/brown spots PICS

    hey everyone. i'm around 5 weeks into it and my plants have had minimal problems until now. my plants are in fox farm ocean forest mixed with perlite, humidity around 45% temperatures range from around 69-77 degrees, the PH of my runoff is between 6.0 and 6.4 i've got 8 daylight 23 watt cfls...
  6. Sexypenguin41

    Drooping Leaves

    here are some pics i took today. the taller one has a lot of undergrowth and i'm still debating what to do about that
  7. Sexypenguin41

    Drooping Leaves

    here's the plants after the soil dried out and got watered again and got some good ol' fashioned tlc. let me know what you guys think. i plan on cloning it and sexing the clone in the next few days.
  8. Sexypenguin41

    Bugs!!!! Help!! Quick!!

    neem oil is completely organic and if those ARE the larvae for something like thrips/spidermites or something that feeds off the plant, neem oil will disrupt the life cycle and keep them from doing harm. I used neem oil when i started seeing adult bugs, and it's doing wonders. you can get it at...
  9. Sexypenguin41

    Drooping Leaves

    it was overwatered by my roomate. there was no real way of telling since i didn't do the watering, so i figured it would be a safer bet to wait another day, and sure enough, the plant perked up overnight.... he overwatered. thanks for all the input guys. i'll post some pics later so everyone can...
  10. Sexypenguin41

    Drooping Leaves

    don't have a ph tester
  11. Sexypenguin41

    Drooping Leaves

    hey everyone, i went home to my family for two days for thanksgiving and while i was gone, my roomate gave my plants some water. but now that i'm back, i've noticed the leaves aren't nearly as perky as they should be. I wish i knew exactly how much water he used, but the soil at least feels...
  12. Sexypenguin41

    got bugs, how so i use neem oil

    neem oil is the only organic pesticide/repellent for a hundred miles, and i can't sit around for a few days for fox farm to come in the mail while the bugs eat my plants. sorry farmer#1, but you were just sharing your irrevalent opinion
  13. Sexypenguin41

    got bugs, how so i use neem oil

    ok... i don't care if you don't like neem oil. it's what i have and i needed to know how to use it. everyone on this forum sucks
  14. Sexypenguin41

    got bugs, how so i use neem oil

    hey everyone, i've got some sort of pests. one is small white and flies around (only seen one of them so far, but one is too many) and i've seen two small brown ones about half the size of a grain of rice. I noticed some pale green areas around some of the leaves and found two small white specs...
  15. Sexypenguin41

    light green splotches on new leaves

    hey everyone, it's been a few days. the splotches are still there, but it's not getting worse, and the plant is doing so well, i'm not worried anymore. i added three more daylight cfl's and put splitters on the sockets so i could hang them right over the plants.
  16. Sexypenguin41

    light green splotches on new leaves

    the PH of the water is probably the same as any other pure distilled water. I dont have a ph tester to test the soil or runoff though
  17. Sexypenguin41

    light green splotches on new leaves

    hey everyone, i'm a little over two weeks into my second attempt and it's going really well except that on some of the new leaves on one of my plants there are some pale green areas. the temperature stays around 75 degrees, humidity at 33% and i've got three 23 watt daylight bulbs, three 43 watt...
  18. Sexypenguin41

    How many grams are usualy in a dime

    I guess for DRO a dime would be less than a gram. I've only seen people sell dimes of shwag though and that was typically 7 grams
  19. Sexypenguin41

    stupid to go 24 hours of light?

    it also depends on the light you're using. i know a lot of people that use mh and hps bulbs and use 18/6 because running the lights 24 hours causes it to get to hot in the grow area. so they'll run the lights during the night hours and give it darkness during the hottest part of the day
  20. Sexypenguin41

    yellow/brown tips. curling up. HELP! PICS***

    yeah, miracle grow has time released nutes and they can easily give your plant nute burn. i used it once and i'll never do it again