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  1. Urca

    Girls: Would You Get Your Nails Done In A Garage?

    yeah.. normally i get mine done nice, but not as outrageous as this, in a shop for about 25-30 dollars, plus my five dollar tip. i love getting my nails done, just not sure if id go back to her
  2. Urca

    What A State Congress Asshole Told Me Yesterday?

    dude legalizing marijuana is a bad idea. it fucks everything up for medical mj patients. ask them to pass a medical mj bill, dont ask for them to legalize it for everyone. it really has adverse affects
  3. Urca

    Girls: Would You Get Your Nails Done In A Garage?

    oh definintely. im keeping it clean and hoping the redness and slight inflammation goes away
  4. Urca

    Does This Sound Right To You?

    sorry just we did this thing in one of my classes that was all girls, and nearly all of us raised our hands for being either hit by a family member, sexually accosted, etc.
  5. Urca

    Girls: Would You Get Your Nails Done In A Garage?

    oh i dont trust anybody with my hair, unless its a good salon. ive had my hair mutilated. when i was 12 i got the worst hair cut ever, so ever since then i keep my hair at a legnth at anywhere between my shoulder blades and ass. its at my lower back now
  6. Urca

    Girls: Would You Get Your Nails Done In A Garage?

    haha true. i showed my mom my hands and the first thing she said was holy shit she shredded your cuticles, go put alcohol on it. like you know the part where the bottom of your nail is? she filed my nail so hard that the skin got worn off and started bleeding. but like as far as techinically...
  7. Urca

    Does This Sound Right To You?

    are you kidding me? you really think this is a sob story?
  8. Urca

    Girls: Would You Get Your Nails Done In A Garage?

    lol we kept asking her if she wanted to quit, and that we could wait for another day, but she didnt want to. but im complaining cause she cut me really bad, made me bleed
  9. Urca

    Does This Sound Right To You?

    you know what i think is just as sad as a woman being raped? the under reported sexual assault toward males. they never come forward to get help or report the crimes, so people think that men arent sexually assaulted or beaten
  10. Urca

    This Really Pisses Me Off

    ^obivious a brit cause those monetary symbols are throwing me for a loop
  11. Urca

    Does This Sound Right To You?

    lol its hard just to be human
  12. Urca

    Does This Sound Right To You?

    well i thought the statistic was 1 out of every three women will face some sort of sexual violence, and 1 out of every two women has had some kind of domestic abuse
  13. Urca

    Girls: Would You Get Your Nails Done In A Garage?

    I got my nails done last night in my best friends birth mom's garage. my friend went first and her nails were done around 2, started at 10. mine went from 2 to 4, and my friend christal had her done from 4 to 7. anyway, her mom has only been doing nails for a month and ended up cutting the shit...
  14. Urca

    How To Remember Everything Very Fast?

    its not easy to remember what you read the first time you read it. things that are bold, vocabulary words, etc, should stand out to you. then read it one more time to get the general idea, however things have to be read three times at least to get detailed information. its easier for some than...
  15. Urca

    Pumped For College!

    hahaha maybe. and as for digging up bones, I wouldnt be doing that. I would learn about human evolution, about how different races developed, how they learned to use tools, etc. the anthropology lab would be learning how to deal with human remains in a lab setting. unfortunatly i have to wait...
  16. Urca

    Pumped For College!

    I tried to get the classes I need, but they were all full. and only three of the classes I am taking right now are ones I need to transfer. The fourth one, which is French, I took so that I would be able to recieve all of my financial aid
  17. Urca

    Pumped For College!

    for my community college costs I was able to get a cal grant for about 1,551. so at least for my community college ill be able to afford it, each unit is 36 bucks, so 36x14 is what will be deducted from my check when I get it.
  18. Urca

    Girls >.< Advice Please

    good luck. it shouldnt be too much of a problem if you are really best friends
  19. Urca

    Smoke Scent Control.

    just blow your smoke through a nimbus. a paper towel roll stuffed with dryer sheets. i have yet to be caught smoking at night because of that thing
  20. Urca

    Pumped For College!

    idk, i have weird class hours, not sure how i am going to be able to go to work around those hours...