Girls >.< Advice Please


Well-Known Member
Girls man.. Alright, so one of my friends ex's (Who he completely HATES). Is ALL horny for me :) And its great :) Because shes smokin and has all the same interests I swear. Shes like perfect. The thing is if my friend which also happens to be my roomate fins out about this, he'll murder me.. I want her SOOOO bad you guys dont even understand.. I sound like a fucking teenager saying this stuff. But whats should I do? He will NOt be cool with it, I've hinted at it lol.. But we already have plans to fuck and everything. I feel kind of shitty. I'll let him know a little down the road or once he catches us I'll just live with it.. The problem is he hates HER and refuses to talk to her and always talks shit but she does nothing.. Ive heard both sides of the story, and hers is more acceptable..

Still though getting laid by a completely FINE awesome chick is unavoidable in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
If she wants it, he has no reason to stop her out of spite or his own contrariness if he 'hates' her so. I say tell him it's her birthday and you know she wants to riiiiiiiide out.
Just do it and if your bro finds out just be like, 'yeah, I tapped that crazy bitch. Haha' and play it off like guys do. Unless you are going to force him to watch the recording I dont see any lasting harm....


Active Member
not to be a dick or nothing, but what i would do is realize im being childish and realize a few hours of pussy isnt worth a couple weeks of bullshit with a friend, no matter how hot she is. i mean i honestly could give a fuck about friends or even having them but if you say this dude is a friend. it should be no manner in question right now because a real friend wouldnt put another through bullshit like that. pussy or no pussy i say youve got a pretty shitty choice to make my friend.


Well-Known Member
Thats the problem, bottom line is we ARE best friends. I think he would 'understand' the situation rather than go all crazy about it. He's not a controlling weirdo kind of person. He just hates this girl for some reason. Weird though, I always end up hating the few mega hotties I've had too..

I don't know I think I'm just going to tell him whats up and see what his reaction is :/

thump easy

Well-Known Member
im gona tell u the truth he will find out n he wont be your friend do u want to trade a girl wich can be your friend for a friend its up to you but once u bust your nut your gona feel more shitty or mabee ull go for round two but remember the most important thing make shure your friend didnt nut in her pussy n then u go n eat it a day or two later it might come out n ull not only get a piece of her but of him also.. my friend did that to me we were the fucken meet market at our house diffrent girls all the fucken tym but this one girl got between us... he wanted her i ended up geting head from her she was hard to pry i didnt even try he had been for 2 years she sucked my dick n he found out i didnt even know that was her.... but he started acting diffrent i ended up moven out... a year went buy n he finaly taged it i seen him later n ask him SO HOW DO I TASTE ahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
^ LOL thump. Like I said, I'm just going to tell him. I really don't think it will effect either of us that much, he is going through a pretty rough opiate addiction :/ hes getting better at quitting, hes been lowering his dosage daily until it goes to nothing. Bottom line is he probably cares much mroe about that and HIS girlfriend to really care. Its just an awkward situation because if me and her date, all of us in thee same room.. I mean me and him SHARE a house.. He's chill with basically anything. When it comes to girls he gets kinda weird. But when he gets back from work, I'm gonna sit him down, manipulate him with a bowl xD Then have the conversation :D


Well-Known Member
Just do it and if your bro finds out just be like, 'yeah, I tapped that crazy bitch. Haha' and play it off like guys do. Unless you are going to force him to watch the recording I dont see any lasting harm....
Thats pretty much my mindset.. But some people arent really on the same page with that kinda thing

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i grew up on the streets it will hurt him wen he is coming down i lost two good friends to harowin wen i was young wen he comes down he will probably trip.. but if you pay the rent than he has no choice its gona be a hard one... or just bribe him i did... i ended up sleeping with my friends sister... n the harowin addict uncle open the door n found us in the couch he triped i shsssshhhhhh!!!!! hears 40 bucks dont say nothing n he didnt... as a mater of fact u joged my memories im gona write it down in detail on sex stories she died a year ago.. her boyfriend killed her..... well thank for that memorie i almost forgot it is funny thow if u want to read it be my guest.... thats were im headed.


Well-Known Member
i grew up on the streets it will hurt him wen he is coming down i lost two good friends to harowin wen i was young wen he comes down he will probably trip.. but if you pay the rent than he has no choice its gona be a hard one... or just bribe him i did... i ended up sleeping with my friends sister... n the harowin addict uncle open the door n found us in the couch he triped i shsssshhhhhh!!!!! hears 40 bucks dont say nothing n he didnt... as a mater of fact u joged my memories im gona write it down in detail on sex stories she died a year ago.. her boyfriend killed her..... well thank for that memorie i almost forgot it is funny thow if u want to read it be my guest.... thats were im headed.
Ill read it lol, but hrmm.. Nah I'm not gonna bribe him. He'll be so mellowed out, he'll just be like whatevs man.. If he's not at work, he just sleeps, and occasionally watches tv with me smoking. We lead a pretty chillin life. Before it was much mroe fun though. pranks, running around the house in togas, all sortsa shit.. But thats awesome lol most drug addicts would totally take moeny to not rat :p


Well-Known Member
it would be one thing if you wanted to date her, if that were the case, i would be honest with him and say that i really liek her and that i am going to date her. since ou just want to fuck her, i wouldn't bother, she's not worth losing a friendship over. there is plenty of pussy out there, many of which has not been used by your friend. she's obviously a whore too if she was fucking him and is looking for a new fuck right after breaking it off. use protection...

oh yeah, she's also probably trying to get to him by fucking you. revenge fuck could be fun. he would hate it and she would get some kicks out of it. sounds like a WIN for her.


Well-Known Member
I really want him to kick the habit, we once had a dream of owning a cat clinic and rolling/robotripping/kettatripping, and rolling around with the kittys :) We both are IN LOVE with cats for some reason. We had the plan to live together since highschool.. now he just lays there :( I give it a month though hes doing a good job cutting it out


Well-Known Member
it would be one thing if you wanted to date her, if that were the case, i would be honest with him and say that i really liek her and that i am going to date her. since ou just want to fuck her, i wouldn't bother, she's not worth losing a friendship over. there is plenty of pussy out there, many of which has not been used by your friend. she's obviously a whore too if she was fucking him and is looking for a new fuck right after breaking it off. use protection...

oh yeah, she's also probably trying to get to him by fucking you. revenge fuck could be fun. he would hate it and she would get some kicks out of it. sounds like a WIN for her.
Nono thats not the case, the thing is I DO want to date her. Buth e hates her so much.. I don't even know why he just freaks out if I even talk about her.. But shes like.. You know that special feeling? I've known her your YEARS. And that 'feeling' IS there.. And she has it too I know.. Its fucking pathetic.. They broke up about a year ago, I should be in the clear but he has some unexplained hatred towards her :o


Well-Known Member
Nono thats not the case, the thing is I DO want to date her. Buth e hates her so much.. I don't even know why he just freaks out if I even talk about her.. But shes like.. You know that special feeling? I've known her your YEARS. And that 'feeling' IS there.. And she has it too I know.. Its fucking pathetic.. They broke up about a year ago, I should be in the clear but he has some unexplained hatred towards her :o
tell him up front and lose the friend. don't lie.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Loyalty should be to the friend. Pieces of ass come and go, but a good friend will always be around. Ain't worth it. imho.

In my mind it is a matter of honor and if the tables were turn how would I feel inside. At some point you go so low that no one will trust you nor like you.

It doesn't matter if she's a ho and she's easy, what matters is what you will think of yourself and what you feel about it. You already know you shouldn't or you won't ask.



New Member
Slam her good and record it all...

When he pisses you off one day just throw the tape at him and tell him to enjoy.