This Really Pisses Me Off


Well-Known Member
why dont they just go out of that area? it only affects 2 miles around city hall. 2 permits a year is pretty harsh. they just need a better law thats not so restrictive, but still isnt a disturbance.

one time, my mom came home from vacation and she was eating a sandwich after the flight. as she walked out, a homeless guy asked her for some money. she gave him half her sandwich instead. he walked straight to the trashcan and threw it away. i guess he wanted drugs and/or booze. after that, my mom never gave to homeless people. but it also taught me to buy them some food if they want it, and not to give them money


bud bootlegger
i know that florida's laws on homelessness and even vagrancy are crazy.. my old man got out of the airforce in the early 60's and stayed in dade county for about a year.. you can be arrested for vagrancy in dade county if you have less then i think it was like $10 or so cash on your person at the time... crazy ass place for sure..


Active Member
why dont they just go out of that area? it only affects 2 miles around city hall. 2 permits a year is pretty harsh. they just need a better law thats not so restrictive, but still isnt a disturbance.

one time, my mom came home from vacation and she was eating a sandwich after the flight. as she walked out, a homeless guy asked her for some money. she gave him half her sandwich instead. he walked straight to the trashcan and threw it away. i guess he wanted drugs and/or booze. after that, my mom never gave to homeless people. but it also taught me to buy them some food if they want it, and not to give them money
this story reminds me of a time i went to the gas station and there was this lady there, with a sob story. She told me that she was out of gas, and that her infant child was at home alone, without food, and that she desperately needed to get home, but lived too far away to walk. I gave her 5 bucks. I went back to the same gas station about 4 hours later and she was still there, she came up and started the sob story again. I told her she needs to remember who she cons cuz some people might not be as nice about it as i was. I felt like punching her in the face, but I would rather be ripped outta 5 dollars, than sitting in a jail cell. I dont help anyone that comes up to me like that anymore either. If people are really hungry or whatever, they can go to a foodbank, not my problem


Well-Known Member
this story reminds me of a time i went to the gas station and there was this lady there, with a sob story. She told me that she was out of gas, and that her infant child was at home alone, without food, and that she desperately needed to get home, but lived too far away to walk. I gave her 5 bucks. I went back to the same gas station about 4 hours later and she was still there, she came up and started the sob story again. I told her she needs to remember who she cons cuz some people might not be as nice about it as i was. I felt like punching her in the face, but I would rather be ripped outta 5 dollars, than sitting in a jail cell. I dont help anyone that comes up to me like that anymore either. If people are really hungry or whatever, they can go to a foodbank, not my problem
yeah people always do shit like that. u shouldve gave the teller the cash to make sure she gets gas with it. usually if u offer to do something like that, the scammers will say nevermind and walk off lol


New Member

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
let them get a permit unless its just for publicity ,then they are using the homeless to meet there own needs


bud bootlegger
it makes me lol that in philly they have this park called love park.. they are tons and tons of homeless people that would hang out and drink and what not and be all obnoxious there, but heaven forbid if you tried to skateboard there, they'd kick you out in a minute.. it's fine if your a homeless drunk though, no problem, but give one of them a skateboard, and it's game over..
and the funny thing is no one else wants to hang out in the park cuz of the drunks and all, you'd think they'd be happy that the skaters wanted to try and clean the park up and actually do something productive there instead of sleep on the benches and piss in the corners..


New Member
yeah people always do shit like that. u shouldve gave the teller the cash to make sure she gets gas with it. usually if u offer to do something like that, the scammers will say nevermind and walk off lol
I thought one Mexican gent was scamming me saying he needed some money for bus fare for his family and that he has been out of work because of an operation. I said "show me" thinking he would continue with the BS. He lifted his shirt and there was like 50 stitches and a colon bag. He than pointed to his wife who was holding a 3 month old and had a 2 yr old on her side. I gave the man a 10.


Well-Known Member
I had a guy come up to me in town asking for 50p for the bus. Said he had a really bad head injury and bowed his head down. I looked at the head and was saw a 2 inch long massive cut on it which was gushing. Gave the man 50p and he walked 10m down the road and turned into a place selling cheap soup.

My friend said I was stupid and I was like wtf he had a massive cut on his head. He wouldn`t of just banged his head on the wall to scam 50p, it was obviously a bad day for the guy and it was fair enough, propably quite hungry poor sod...

1 hour later I found a £1 coint on the floor staring right at me in the main street and picked it up with a massive grin, talk about karma :D I moved to this town a year ago and its the first ever coin above 5p I found on the ground :D


bud bootlegger
yah. p is short for pound sterling, or more commonly called from brits the pence i do believe...

you should have seen the fun time i was having trying to type on a computer keyboard in germany, talk about freaky letters and what not..