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  1. Urca

    All Of My Acrylics Broke Today.

    nah its just a casual itch, like when my bun is too tight. but acrylics hurt the scalp. actually i fibbed a bit. I have a skin condition that causes a very itchy scalp... its either I sit and itch it a bit, or whip out a hair brush and mercilessly brush my hair until the itch goes away. I dont...
  2. Urca

    All Of My Acrylics Broke Today.

    Fuck so you know how i posted that I had my nails done in someone's garage? well, i was unloading the dish washer and bam, off pops my middle nail... hurts like FUCK. and then i noticed all of my nails are loose, so I gently take them off.. this is bullshit!!!! Ive barely had them for like a...
  3. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    ive actually never had one of those
  4. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    haha just cause im innocent doesnt mean Ive never been sent a (uncut) dick pic or never touched a dick... im very inexperienced but I wasnt born yesterday...
  5. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    i guess.... we'll just see how it plays out
  6. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    I like the look of cut... problably cause all the uncut ones I saw looked fucking nasty. and, honestly, it makes a guy look bigger if he's cut...
  7. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    it is alarming... cause i wouldnt wish that on anybody... and I know its my fault, but i refuse to let any kids I have end up like I did.
  8. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    next weekend... he works all week, then band practice in the evenings...
  9. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    oh im fat... trust me. not like cant move or walk or find clothes to wear, but im pretty heavy
  10. Urca

    Smoking Weed Out Of A Tobacco Pipe.

    hey when i smoke a blunt I have to leave some tabacco in it... or else it burns funny... plus it tastes hella good
  11. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    its fine, problably didnt mean it in a rude way
  12. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    lol whats that supposed to mean
  13. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    im 5'2 and not telling my weight... and it got canceled for today, car broke down
  14. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    whats the clear rep bar mean?
  15. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    i never had an interview, i had a meeting with a counselor
  16. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha its a phoenix, it will rise again
  17. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    hahahaha you're not half bad when you're not being racist or a troll
  18. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    nah thats chunky on a dude... 6'1 and 240 plus is fat
  19. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    nah thats not fat... a bit chunky but not fat
  20. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    ah im fat but ive been on dates before, i just get nervous with new situations