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  1. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    thank you...
  2. Urca

    Weed is just so cool, man

    best anti depressant ever
  3. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    im not bragging, just explaining my situation... id rather just have one dude that gave a shit and treated me well, hate all this complex shit
  4. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    the second one basically wanted me for a while, i kinda treated him bad, but then decided to turn over a new leaf but then he started being shady, left me hanging, got a hickey from another girl, then on his bday deleted me off facebook and got a gf. but he broke up with her, and has been trying...
  5. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha well the main one is a guy who ive been messing with, but its been hella weird the last few weeks so idk. the second guy has fucked me over, but asked me for another chance, being really nice and sweet, moving to my town, wants to be with me, but idk if i want him cause he hurt me
  6. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    hahahahahahaha no not at all. im just kinda dealing with three diff guys, ya dig? and i dont want to do something that may fuck the other two up... read my first post
  7. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    you're kinda in the right direction
  8. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    im not nervous about acting going on a date with him, just everything else in my life and how this might affect my other situations
  9. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    nope, not at all. this is me wenting out my nervousness
  10. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    hahah nope, all in person.
  11. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    hahaha um not quite
  12. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha guess so
  13. Urca

    Smoking Weed Out Of A Tobacco Pipe.

    how was the high?? any good?
  14. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    haha i dont know what you're implying
  15. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    they deleted your thread huh? problably for the best. and yeah, i never expect a guy to pay for me or do nice things... if he wants to, great, but its not an expectation
  16. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    ah the first time at least i want it to be with someone who cares about me even a little bit and wouldnt you like to know? lol thats between me and him... but he does get his
  17. Urca

    The Sound Of The Burning Fire Of Freedom

    im like noo!!!! gonna cause a chain reaction around the world which leads to a tsunami in japan... oh wait thats called the butterfly effect... (sarcasm) its just a dropped lighter
  18. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha true... i just get carried away at times
  19. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha you'll be fine. its not the height of the guy that matters
  20. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha yup... he's 26 actually.... its weird but in a hopefully good way. its just one date anyway