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  1. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    true, im just got let whats meant to happen, happen
  2. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    hahah thank you
  3. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha he's about the same height as me, but two inches taller
  4. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    what interview?
  5. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    ah i know i was like wtf?? but he has a cute face, really funny and sweet, does martial arts and is in a band.... makes being 5'4 ok
  6. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    like i said, most guys i am interested in or have a chance with are at least five years older... but im kinda pumped to see him... hella charming guy.
  7. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha if its consensual she will remove it and they can have fun
  8. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha you know how many women get raped in africa?? this is a god send! aids rates will go way down with this thing
  9. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    thats fucking brilliant
  10. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    lol well ill find out
  11. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    every guy i have been somewhat involved with has been at least 4 years older, mostly its five or more years....
  12. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    he knows... he was hella cool with everything, but then after the last time we were together, he just stopped calling and texting, i never blow up his phone, dont ask him who he's with, etc... i act like i always have and yet he's changed... im not expecting anything romantic, but i wont fuck...
  13. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    haha im 5'2 anyway so its all good. he's just like waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy older than me
  14. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    ahaha i swear this guy is perfect... which makes me more nervous. only flaw is that he is 5'4... i can overlook that
  15. Urca

    so i got a date tomorrow... nervous

    he's really funny, sweet, kind, hella smart... but 8 years older than me. im excited but at the same time i have misgivings A) I have feelings for another guy-but we arent talking anymore B) Im kinda talking to this one guy and he's fucked up alot and hurt me, but he's moving to my town and Im...
  16. Urca

    joined your website. hit me up

    joined your website. hit me up
  17. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    ugh i think i might have to move on to someone else, i think he's pretty much lost interest
  18. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    actually he's been blowing me off and i called him on it, and he said he was mad at himself and disturbed at what i said, havent heard from him since. two days.... ugh. its just im really inexperienced and he was my first kiss/ guy to mess around with, and so i'd rather not have things voiced...
  19. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    haha he wrapped up any chance of me going further by saying, do you want to fuck? like dude, be classy. lol but the truth is i would, he's fine as hell
  20. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    nah im just starting to experiment, and i was kissing on his chest and then he whispered "do you wanna suck it" which made me change my mind about doing it, he said it all wrong