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  1. Urca

    What's Your Favorite Chaser?
  2. Urca

    Getting A Tattoo Like My Avatar?

    lol will it fit on my foot though? seems like a big design
  3. Urca

    Don't Want To Quit.

    honestly dude, even if it makes you more sociable and the like, if it has all the other effects, I suggest you let it go. its not worth it. i know weed helps me relax and stay cool, as long as i avoid thinking introspectively
  4. Urca

    What's Your Favorite Chaser?

    dude you make it at home... ill link you to some recipes.. as for my favorite chaser, anything fruity....
  5. Urca

    Getting A Tattoo Like My Avatar?

    im fat, so the best placement would problably be my thigh, foot, or shoulder oh and i did want color... lots of blues and pinks
  6. Urca

    Getting A Tattoo Like My Avatar?

    i know, i think it would look nice there/shoulder, but i want to be able to wear a nice wedding dress that doesnt class with a tat
  7. Urca

    Getting A Tattoo Like My Avatar?

    no, im not hard at all. very girly...
  8. Urca

    Las Vegas Tips, deals, do's and dont's

    i used to live in vegas, was a little girl. here's a tip... dont just go to the strip.. yeah its nice but look into maybe going to the lake, mt. charleston, etc... there is alot to do in the out doors there for very cheap. sky diving too... go see hoover dam, in boulder city. i grew up in...
  9. Urca

    Getting A Tattoo Like My Avatar?

    Is it feminine? I have a fear of death and I like it because it makes me feel like death isnt so bad, kinda like a rebirth.... and placement of the tattoo?? i want to be able to get a job... and my stomach isnt an option for a tattoo to be placed.
  10. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    yeah... i guess
  11. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    yup, plus like i dont want to have sex with lots of people... wayyy too self concious for that. and the guy ive been kinda seeing wants to fuck, but i know in the long run i should wait for someone else. cause im not losing my virginity to some guy who wont even date me r hasnt called in three...
  12. Urca

    How Many People Have You Slept With?

    haha actually, im a virgin... got started late, guys didnt really like that i was big, and so like a week and a half after my 18th bday i got my first kiss, and that was may first of this year. ive progressed since then, learned a few things with my hands ;) but havent blown anyone or fucked...
  13. Urca

    Kid Makes 38 Million Selling Marijuana

    damn thats an interesting story
  14. Urca

    Well It's Official; I'm A Retard.

    ah one time i tried to smoke out of a pipe with a candle, got wax EVERYWHERE. thats what i get for acting like a knock
  15. Urca

    Eating Veal And Lamb?

    would you eat it? i know alot of people think its ethically wrong, but personally i couldnt care less, its delicious and they were born to die anyway, its not like they were going to grow up and be used for anything else.
  16. Urca

    Indie Kids.

    ugh, i dont really mind much about the music they listen to or the way they dress, i just wanna punch them when they open their mouth. my friends are kinda in that group, but not really, and they still talk normal, albeit with more intelligent discussion, but then there were the pretentious ones...
  17. Urca

    Girlfriend Is Too Sensitive Or Am I An Ass?

    ^very true.... cause even the least ill intentioned thing said the worng way can hurt someone
  18. Urca

    Girlfriend Is Too Sensitive Or Am I An Ass?

    makes her feel unwanted and or used... but its true, she's 22, she can fuck to her hearts content, who cares? plus you could think that and not tell her that way you wouldnt hurt her feelings
  19. Urca

    Is Love Real?

    why would i live in a trailer? im not an idiot, quite smart actually... dont plan on getting married or having kids until im in my mid 20's at least... as for the abusive boyfriend/husband, your not the only one to say that... why do people think that? ive never even been in a relationship
  20. Urca

    Our Furry Friends

    id show my cats and dog, but a) one of my cats died and its really hurtful to think about him b) rollitup isnt working with my comp to upload pics