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  1. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Fine. Whatever. Im done with this, just because it has gotten out of hand. I may have taken what you said out of context, but I didnt intentionally spread lies. Not at all. Either way, it's time to give up. Just ignore me if you guys feel the way you do, keeping this up makes this place suck ass
  2. Urca

    Ever hate someone on here?

    This thread is done. If I could remove it I would.
  3. Urca

    Things That Make You Laugh

    We slipped him 15 bucks, he was funny and not rude
  4. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Fine. Im done.
  5. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Funny thing is, I never lied. I got the impression that the op didnt like me, and JohnnyOrganic said it straight out that he didnt like me.. idk how i was slandering or lying, they just blew it out of proportion. Either way this is harrassment, and not cool
  6. Urca

    Things That Make You Laugh

    damn no one thought this was funny?
  7. Urca

    looking for some input, ideas, money!!

    You need some kind of dessert, two options, cause people always wanna binge eat. Its easiest to go with a brownie with a scoop of ice cream for option 1, and just ice cream option two
  8. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    lol why are you a sad panda?
  9. Urca

    Things That Make You Laugh

    Took this in San Francisco the summer I turned 16, hella funny
  10. Urca

    I'm getting high alone

    Same here... its my relaxing time
  11. Urca

    I'm Grilling A Steak

    Best way to make steak 1. Buy a good cut of meat 2. Season with pepper, garlic salt, and worchestshire sauce 3. Grill until medium rare There you go
  12. Urca

    Ever hate someone on here?

    no, i dont hate you at all. I just hate ad hominem attacks, which, btw, you dont do.
  13. Urca

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    i know you can make those ones with the faces and all, and with the designs, but could you make a pretty, feminine one?
  14. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    i told you. he just wont leave me alone.
  15. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    rehab gives your body time to manufacture endorphins again, for body chemistry to get back to normal, and your body heal from the ravages of drugs. Also, it removes your dependance on the drug. Btw, you get endorphins from pleasureable stuff, like food or sex. Its natural. Drugs flood your body...
  16. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    how do I think i am above? quit assuming shit about my ego. Im relating science and my own experiences. Addicts are not weak minded, they are physically dependant. My mom wanted her kids back in her life so much she made herself quit meth. 92% of meth addicts go back to meth. Those who get clean...
  17. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    how am I assuming? Everything I said was science. And no, im not the only one. But if you have too, that makes you extra dumb because you already know what will happen to them
  18. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    Obviously neither one of you have ever been addicted or been close to some one who is addicted... its not having a weak mind, thats just stupid. Drug addiction comes from the chemicals the drugs realease in your body, the feel good endorphins. After a while your body relies on the drug just to...
  19. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    right after you mentioned her becoming a drug addict, you said thats what welfares all about... there fore i thought you meant cause she was an addict she was on welfare
  20. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    Im not trying to scare anybody, but despite whether or not you legalize drugs, they destroy people. legalizing drugs destroys them faster. There is not proper mindset to take meth. ever.