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  1. Urca

    Let's have a good vibe emanating beautiful love thread

    This thread is a good idea... im over all the drama, lets start anew..
  2. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    there's no point in saying anything, whats it going to do? you wanna be right so bad, when no one even cares anymore, including myself... so go ahead, be right. im fine either way
  3. Urca

    Ever hate someone on here?

    yes, i decided to play along
  4. Urca

    Ever hate someone on here?

    but please! i need you!
  5. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    its called being the bigger person and ignoring you, obviously everyone let it go but you
  6. Urca

    Ever hate someone on here?

    im sorry!! im just a heart breaker, its in my nature! take me back! lets start again! i was wrong!! sob sob sob
  7. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    give me the temptations
  8. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    haha i like motown though.
  9. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Lol beardo is faking it, which is why its funny. only reason I didnt listen was cause it reminded me of old school rock, which i dont like. even typing this is ridiculous....
  10. Urca

    Ever hate someone on here?

    Lol you make me laugh... <3 mix tape
  11. Urca

    Ever hate someone on here?

    lol what are you talking about, you're awesome
  12. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Ok, show me where I called you out twice
  13. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    a week is a long time for me lol, and its cause im broke
  14. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    lol i havent smoked in a long time
  15. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    Hey, I know that, dont be rude. Ive been knowing longer than you, remember, I LIVE HERE TOO. Idk whats gotten into you, but i miss the way you used to be
  16. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Everything you said in the thread "I hurt" was insulting to me, and my posts, so why wouldnt i think that you didnt like me? I wasnt being dishonest, I was stating that I THOUGHT you guys hated me. Wasnt trying to call you out, all I said it was someone like you, who didnt like me, who must be...
  17. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    How is it intentional? For the inflamatory, its my opinion, if someone doesnt like it, they will argue, so thats what makes me "inflamatory" Attention seeking?? Nope, dont do it on purpose, I just want to have feedback on whats going on in my life from objective people. Immature? I dont try to...
  18. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Funny thing about all that is, it was unintentional. I just say how I feel, and obivious I come across as inflamatory. I post threads about whatever I am thinking or feeling or want some feed back for... I can see how it seems attention seeking. :( Lol as for the immature, yes, I can be at...
  19. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    lol well if you want to fight him, better come to stockton
  20. Urca

    This is amazing

    Ive never been so lightheaded in my life, everything hurt, felt ill, but my friend made me smoke the whole thing