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  1. Urca

    RIU'ers Fave Electronic Genre?

    For me its none, I cant stand that stuff. More power to you though. Everyone has their own tastes
  2. Urca

    This is amazing

    haha i know, i learned that the first time I smoked a black n mild, I was so sick
  3. Urca

    This is amazing

    lol but would it be bad to smoke from time to time?
  4. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    lol cool, have fun. do some sight seeing.
  5. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    hey dude, everything ok?
  6. Urca

    This is amazing Normally i dont like smoking tabbacco, unless im low on weed and want to stretch it out by smoking tabacco with it, but last night i was at this pool party thing, and...
  7. Urca

    how about that weather?

    My mom and dad are from Nebraska, and they tell horror stories about tornados... i, for one, would like to see one, but they say there's no way in hell you could get them to be around a tornado again
  8. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    Id like to think im black with white spots ;)
  9. Urca

    Marijuana Destinations

    the british virgin islands? lol then island hop to jamaica! jk idk how all that works. I heard British Columbia up in Canada has good weed for good prices, might wanna go there
  10. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    Oh yeah that car is his baby... fuck why did he have to change
  11. Urca

    how about that weather?

    I lived in Boulder City, NV, which is 10 min away from both Las Vegas, and from Arizona. Its the middle of the desert, but the storms were awesome. One day my dad picked me up from daycare, and it was storming rain. When storms come to the desert, they come big.... the sky had turned deep...
  12. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    wow........ he's changed.. or been hacked
  13. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    Where is the racism? I'd like to see it for myself
  14. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    ah they'll be invisible to me, but not to everyone else... and they'll keep all this up
  15. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    Seriously?? Wow. Weird, other day we were on Skype and he just disappeared, now he's acting like this...
  16. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    Fuck its just so hard not to when they keep going with it... I need to ignore it One of the things is when I get angry, I can never drop it. Not until I prove my point. Which is why I get in trouble with my mom so much because she always has to be right, even when she is wrong. She even told me...
  17. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    lol funny thing is, he's pretty nice to me, we're friends, I just didnt know he was coming here, but its not like Im gonna kickit with him or anything. I can get mean, but... he's a cool kid, idk why he's been acting like this the last few days
  18. Urca

    why does URCA hate me?

    this is where there is a problem. Excluding the fact i thought you didnt like me, every other argument we had was a debate about a topic, so it wasnt random bullshit.
  19. Urca

    Reggie and Dro

    you're coming to stockton?
  20. Urca

    looking for some input, ideas, money!!

    Good luck!