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  1. Urca

    If I Die

    i think you just blink out of existance... there is no heaven, no hell, no after life, no reincarnation.. just nothingness. which scares the shit out of me and usually talking/thinking about it triggers a depressive episode in me
  2. Urca

    If I Die

    im sticking to beer for a while, the idea of vodka makes me hurt
  3. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    ah well, ill keep that in mind lol
  4. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    haha what do you mean by if i need anything?
  5. Urca

    If I Die

    last time i got drunk, i drank uv vodka, puked constantly the next day... never again
  6. Urca

    If I Die

    shit, i want to live as long as possible, death freaks me out.
  7. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    no more sad panda
  8. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    lol i only did it cause people who wanna be dicks keep calling me orca, might as well roll with the punches
  9. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    haha good point...
  10. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    hahaha i cant post it on here, and unless i upload it to photobucket, i cant pm it... i dont want full naked boob pictures on the internet
  11. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    lol are you serious?
  12. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    haha i texted it to him
  13. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    ive taken way worse pictures... that peaceful kid saw one, loved it, then again showed my nipples
  14. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    haha well im glad someone got to enjoy it..
  15. Urca

    My Latest Pic.

    i think it was that last pic i posted, it was pretty much bare tit, except had my nipples covered. sorry guys
  16. Urca

    I'm Grilling A Steak

    that steak is done perfectly... my dads side of my family eats their meat like that. I kinda grew up with them so I like my meat cooked like that. My stepdad likes his GRAY. so my bro and sister like theirs more done. :( steak isnt steak if its gray. Only beef I wont eat rare is a hamburger. I...
  17. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    suddafed isnt just to make meth, thats why its legal. to help people. pain killers help people, except for those who abuse them, which is why they are legal. Suddafed doesnt equal meth Pain killers dont equal heroin so you're wrong. again. and it wasnt only me who said what i said...
  18. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    lol just wear a condom, cause idk where that pussy has been. Last time i checked it was in the northern atlantic... lol
  19. Urca

    Man Panties <3

    lol i know it wasnt for me, but thank you, very nice