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  1. Urca

    did you know this about epsom salt?

    i was about to say, its epsom salt for soaking hurt feet?
  2. Urca

    So you can't decided what you want to make for dinner?

    I kept clicking until I saw something good.. baby back ribs with honey, and bbq glaze
  3. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    ah ok then
  4. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    Lol the mountains are different down in vegas... but its beautiful. Especially when it storms
  5. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

  6. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    I actually lived like 10 min outside of vegas for six years as a kid, even though I was born here in CA. I love the desert, but not alot to do.
  7. Urca

    The Matrix - humans as batteries?

    lol maybe the beatles knew something we didnt about white dwarf stars... JK JK JK I know its about drugs before anyone jumps down my throat
  8. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    nice orca ;) she's a cousin of mine... (she puts out :D )
  9. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    Lol i have to drive to the bay for the nearest beach in santa cruz, its like 2 hours. Havent been in years. My dad did take me to long beach when I was little though, first time I ever saw the ocean
  10. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    lol we dont have the beach here, just the delta
  11. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    I never said weed is a right, im just saying its not as harmful.
  12. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    yeah i would say what city, but then again there are weird people on here. trust me its not those lame fucking cities like turlock or fucking fresno or modesto
  13. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    In the central valley, ca.
  14. Urca

    who remembers this???- BRING IT BACK!!!

    its like it, but not really. its like saying burger king is mcdonalds... I, for one, like it better than Taco Bell, because there is more options, better sauces, and cheap as hell. They have 49c soft tacos... which was great when my mom couldnt afford to actually feed us but we were hungry...
  15. Urca

    The Matrix - humans as batteries?

    Ah that was so cool... and proved both our points. win win
  16. Urca

    The Matrix - humans as batteries?

    almost correct, you just missed one point. That nuclear reactions happen again and again, which is fuel to the sun to keep burning, however, with each reaction, there are fewer products left over, when we run out of fuel to react, and also what you stated, is when our sun will die. You pretty...
  17. Urca

    The Matrix - humans as batteries?

    Now since you throw a tiff when I cant be civil, I will be nice. Our sun is new compared to the rest of the universe, as is our solar system. Our solar system is a speck in the huge galaxy we live in, which is older than our solar system, but then again, fairly new to the universe...
  18. Urca

    Ever wonder about people's names on here?

    he blatantly stated he didnt like me, thought my posts were bullshit. You act like you dont like me. Its not like i made that shit up Plus, all I said was "it must have been someone like those two, because they dont like me" I never said it was either one of you
  19. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    Im sure taking a tablet a suddafed will amount to tweaking for days like meth? And that those perscription pills are just the same as melting down some heroin and injecting it into your arm? That is, by your own reasoning. Possesing heroin and meth, rock cocaine, all FELONIES. Possesing a...
  20. Urca

    Keeping criminals out

    Lol, im talking about non man made substances... if it grows, im pretty sure its not as bad as the stuff they synthesized in a lab just to create, and then it took off... meth was made in a lab in japan about 100 years ago, heroin was made in a lab too... but then it became so popular people...