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  1. Tanis83

    Need help pleae

    Take a picture... it probably just needs more time.....
  2. Tanis83

    $25 diy usb microscope : Tutorial

    DOOD!!! I can't wait til payday!!!
  3. Tanis83

    Introducing myself.

    I'm old enough and have moved out of the nest a long time ago... *I think long LOL* so... yeah ;);)
  4. Tanis83

    My first grow space (Pics) Need Help & Reccomendations!!

    in BC 5 or less plants is called "personal" and they will only take your lights slap you on the hand and say "bad don't do it again" I knew a guy that was caught with 60 LB dry and had another 50 plants going... he got 6 months house arrest and a $30,000 fine... I'd also recommend cloning...
  5. Tanis83

    N00b Lighting help

    LOL seriously you can buy a chunk of NMD 14-02 wire. *standard lighting wire* and a plug from rona all for about $5-10...... then your not trying to use "Marrettes" to join the wire..
  6. Tanis83

    week and a half under repti glo 26w lights

    I had my plants under the ReptiSun bulbs.... They work pretty good... but I have seen a dramatic difference when I switched over to an 100W HPS... not only in plant growth but in heat reduction as well.......
  7. Tanis83

    Building an underground grow room

    I don't know why you all are freakin on this guy.... from what I read in the first post was he is putting it "under a deck" as long as he's not making the box 6-8 feet under the top layer of dirt he should be fine... just put like 3" of dirt on the top *no weight* If I were doing it... I'd...
  8. Tanis83


    MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had some of that in at my place right now..... :D nice Job guy!!!
  9. Tanis83

    Tempature at 90F/32C.. is this high??

    you want to get a fan for inside the room blowing onto the plants then you want an exhaust fan that is pulling air from the outside.... and when you go and drill holes in the side of your cabinet.... make sure that no light can get in from the outside...... even low levels of light getting...
  10. Tanis83

    Tempature at 90F/32C.. is this high??

    I've got a 100 watt HPS with the balist and everything in my box and it rarely gets above 22 you have an exshaust fan?.... if no HIGHLY recommended!!! Go buy yourself a bathroom fan... ;) works wonders
  11. Tanis83

    Introducing myself.

    My mom's a master gardener ;) any questions I would be happy to pass them along... *pix would help emencely*
  12. Tanis83

    Central Texas Grow advice

    slight slight chance.... your probably better off doing them indoor.... I've got 4 plants in a box that is 30" x 30" x4' tall not a whole lot of space is really needed.....
  13. Tanis83

    My first grow *pix*

    yes I trimmed my plants... I had a problem with aphids and they start to have "sooty" mold on the leafs.... so I cut them off to ensure the plant survived....
  14. Tanis83

    My first grow *pix*

    just brought my two other plants in... turning them over to flower.... the times are pretty close where I'm at so it shouldn't do much to stress the plants other then different light....
  15. Tanis83

    my new hood :D

    I trimmed it back alot.... I'm almost time to crop those ones off.... that was my first go around on growin.... did that all on flourescents... just made the hood and wired in the lights a day ago..... I'm getting my HPS in like 4 days... I'll post a pick when I got that up.... I just took my...
  16. Tanis83

    my new hood :D

    it's sheet alluminum, I've got an 18 ga steel brace for the back... I'm still gonna sheet behind the light fixture as well.... I could have done it a bit cheaper... but I woulda had to drive alot farther.... so time and gas vs on the way home.....
  17. Tanis83

    my new hood :D

    Like my new hood??? total cost around $30..... I thought that was kinda cheap.... that's not including the light and the ballast ;) got them at cost for around $60 for the ballast and $25 for the light....... also got a HPS for $6 and I'm getting the ballast for that this coming week :D...
  18. Tanis83

    Hello Everybody! WHAT'S SHAKEN!

    I fixed my lights.... gotta still get my HPS.... this week though :D:D:D:D Like my hand crafted hood :D
  19. Tanis83

    What's going on PEEPS!

    Hey guys and girls I just put in my NMH light and took out my flourescents.... I'll have my HPS in later this week just need to get my ballast.... :D Let me know what you think :D.... I'm just starting up my next two little guys ;) gonna start a shelf for my seedlings hopefully I'll post...
  20. Tanis83

    My first grow *pix*

    well I finally gots my new light...... I pulled out all my flourescents and just put this guy for now..... I'm still waiting on my HPS ballast... it should be in this week :D:D:D:D Then I won't have to crowd the plants to the one side.