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  1. Tanis83

    Which is cooler, 250w hps vs 300w cfl's??

    best thing you could do is take some pix and get some sizes..... is it a box in a room? a closet?
  2. Tanis83

    Upgrades ;) :D

    I was reading about a DIY power bar ballast kinda thing.... you get like a 6 pluggin power bar... they have these light fixtures that take a single light that plug right into the wall... get 6 of those puppies, then they have light splitters that go from 1 light fixture to 2, get 6 of those...
  3. Tanis83

    Upgrades ;) :D

    I made my hood... cost me a total of around $25, got some sheet alluminum from the local hardware store *ran me $5 a linear foot @ 3' wide* and then I just got some small 18 gage steel.... add in a few pop rivets and vola you gots yourself a hood ;) you can see my DIY air intake on the front...
  4. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    I thought he said he had a 400 watt HPS in a 4x4x6.5 room..... why do you have the CFL's there?
  5. Tanis83

    6 1/2 weeks Flower CFL 2nd grow

    I'm pretty sure my box will deal with the heat.... up until next summer... but I'll just end up moving some plants outside for that time, I got some room at the back of our lot to hid it all.... just gotta watch all the deer. over this summer with the 100watt it rarely got to 28C and that was...
  6. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    Man oh man Monday can't come fast enough!!!!!!!! I want my BALLAST!!!
  7. Tanis83

    1st cloning attempt total failure 2nd in progress.

    I guess your doing hydro? I use this "Stem-Rood No.2* by Plant products CO Ltd. my clones look hella shitty, but they always root I'm growing in soil though so.....
  8. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    I'm waiting on the ballast!!! I get it on monday but I want to be around atleast the full day for the first run, I've got all the fixtures installed and the wires all run.... I even have my mounting plate ready...... I SOOOOO WANT TO GET THIS NOW!!! unfortunately if I were to go buy the ballast...
  9. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    ;) I'm actually growing sorta as a science project to get this tea on the market for my friend ;). it's got a few more things in it other then just worm castings molasses and glacier dust and a few other "things" ;);) I can notice the difference in my plants after about 45 min of application...
  10. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    one on the left is Purple Kush, the one on the right had some problems it's from an earlier grow.. just finishing it off.... it had some issues with aphids and I had to cut a bunch of leaves off due to sooty mold... but it's doing alright now... as to lighting, I've got a 100watt HPS in...
  11. Tanis83

    6 1/2 weeks Flower CFL 2nd grow

    Heres a couble of pics of my purple kush. *drools* good too know what I'm in store for since I've only been flowering for 2 weeks :D I'll post some pics on this thread and we can compair, I'm doing mine with 1 400watt HPS in a small 30" x 30" x 48" grow box :D. *just in the process of...
  12. Tanis83

    Leafs going shiney and cracking

    yeah I had aphids too here are some more focused pics of my problem... I ended up running out and buying ladybugs... they will deal with that problem pretty quick... but the shiney stuff was "sooty" mold from what I was told.... and I ended up having to do a major prune to get rid of most of it...
  13. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    Hey there Chuck, Good to know that your startin a new thread.... if I encounter anymore problems *crosses fingers* I'll shoot you a post.
  14. Tanis83

    Upgrades ;) :D

    LOL a 400 Watt HPS.....
  15. Tanis83

    Upgrades ;) :D

    Oh here are a few other pics of that same plant before I moved her in to flower her.
  16. Tanis83

    My first grow *pix*

    Well everybody here's two weeks into my newwer plant. I cut one of my other ladies down.... she was old and looking not so great so I hacked and slashed her.... I'm also in the middle of an upgrade for my lights :D I'm changing my 100 Watt HPS for a 400 Watt HPS :D:D:D:D next weekend it all...
  17. Tanis83

    *first ever grow day 8* how does she look?

    I can't find the tread for the lights.... but it was a power bar and they have these light fixtures that have one socket that plugs right into the wall... the guy ended up using a light splitter *from one socket to two* so on a 6 port power bar you get 12 lights in a row...... I'm using an HPS...
  18. Tanis83

    *first ever grow day 8* how does she look?

    you should poke enough holes to let the water drain I'd say like a dozen.... As to transplanting it.... I'd get the fan first so the plant has some time to strengthen it's stock.... When you trans plant it to a bigger pot you won't see a lot of growth til the roots take hold.... Search around...
  19. Tanis83

    *first ever grow day 8* how does she look?

    looks pretty good... just wanna make sure you poked a few holes in the bottom of your cup so the water can drain away ;) Definately get yourself a fan to put on them how big is your tub???? how many CFL's are you using???
  20. Tanis83

    Upgrades ;) :D

    Hello everyone here in RIU. I just turned my plants to flower abour two weeks ago.... Decided that my 100 watt HPS wasn't really cutting it for me ;) Here's a few pics of my babies, and a comparision shot of my old bulb vs the new ;) You can see some of my ladybugs in the pic, they be...