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  1. Tanis83

    second and third times around

    Thanks man.... just picked up a different blooming nute today... it's from the same company. hopeyfully ;) it'll help out with those yellowing leafs on the bottom
  2. Tanis83


    I've been using molasses for the past like 5 weeks of flowering... I was also using a worm brew with a few other things as a nute sub... but finally just went and got some 10-15-10 and fed it that this morning...the buds are pretty dam thick.... and I'm hopin for some more growth in these next...
  3. Tanis83

    second and third times around

    hey guys. just wanted to post some pix of my next little guys...... I know they are small but I only gots one box and I had the two smaller ones outside and it's cold and really wet right now. the larger one is on it's 5th or 6th week... I'm just giving it a shot of nutes for the next few...
  4. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    hey man hows it going? I just took some pics of my baby :D she's almost ready to get cut down..... I'm thinking in the next 2-4 weeks *depending on if I wanna give it another shot of nutes before I flush* let me know what ya think :D:D *I know small but space is limited*
  5. Tanis83

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    I just made min this evening... I can't wait to see how well it will work when I come home tomorrow *get pretty used to the smell pretty fast* Thanks for the info.... I just spent the past hour on the site to find this post agian LOL!!! +Rep!!
  6. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    How high do you have your lights from your plant and hot does it get in your room?
  7. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    you could always go down to the local nursery/garden center and pick up a bag of ladybugs.... They will eat any soft bodied bugs ;) especially if your growing indoors and there aren't any other food..... I got mine for $14, it's natural.... doesn't harm your plant at all and they will keep the...
  8. Tanis83

    [PICS] thoughts on my first grow room?

    around 2 weeks I had these babies outside for like a month and a half to two months.... started them half way through summer..... the lighting outside was at 14 hours so when I put them to 12/12 it showed female within two days... I'm gonnna grow this one out then I'm going to build a new...
  9. Tanis83

    [PICS] thoughts on my first grow room?

    Hey man nice start, if you can get that 150 HPS or even a 400 HPS you'll be in way way better condition... looks like you need more CFL's especially for your plant that is going into flower... and look for a "red" spectrum bulb for your flowering stage... the blue lights are for veg ;)...
  10. Tanis83

    Where do you measure your temps from?

    Desertrat knows his stuff... yeah I burnt a few leafs on my plant too just switched over to a 400 HPS too... gonna check the temp tomorrow... but ;) I did pickup 15 LBS of Dry ice this afternoon :D that'll drop the temp and add me some CO2
  11. Tanis83

    HELP!?!?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY PLANT??? someone help plz

    ok well I just looked at your grow journal how many lights you got kicking in there?
  12. Tanis83

    it's coming along :D:D

    yeah min is heating things up a bit too... ;) just went out and bought some dry ice for the weekend... that will help cool my lady down as well as add in some much needed O2 ;)..... how big is your box? I've got 30" x 30" x 48" tall.
  13. Tanis83

    it's coming along :D:D

    Here's a few more pic's, I just setup my new 400 wat HPS on monday morning, so just wanted to post some pics here.... 3rd week flowering.... aaawww man like how many more weeks :P LOL
  14. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    LOL!!!! Herd of skunks... that makes my morning ;)
  15. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    Here's my little lady under her new light :D As well as some close ups ;)
  16. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    the worm tea is for the plants dough head..... spray it on the leaves and give it to the roots as a watering... it's like poweraide for your plants I got some pics I'll post them in a few with my 400 watt ;)
  17. Tanis83

    Mexi's D.I.Y butane extractor

    Hey guys ;) I uses a turkey baster you can use the glass ones and they have stainless steel ones... no drilling and make sure that you use the cleanest butane you can get..... "Colibri" of london has near zero impurities. and here is a pic ;)
  18. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    woot woot got my ballast today :D gonna put her in, in the morning :'( I couldn't get home fast enough to get it all hooked up before the lights turned off.
  19. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    for all of you out there that are planting in beer cups make sure you poke about a dozen wholes in the bottom so water can escape... if you don't you'll end up with a moldy sprout. ;)
  20. Tanis83

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    I'd only do 18 / 6 it's the natural light cycle plus I've heard it doesn't do much to the plants... and it'll save ya a little dough in hydro