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  1. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    before i forget , i lowered the ec yesterday evening to 2.0 and today the yellowing looked worse so i bumped it back up to 2.4 thanx for your patience and help ,,, pics will be posted asap...
  2. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    hi gvega ,, yes this time ive added diff strains (superskunk and ak47's) ,,, ive had the lemonskunk for around 1 year and it usually likes high strength feeding and thats the strain ive had over ec 4.0 but this time i wanted to go a little lower and now im seeing probz arrise.. the nutes are...
  3. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    yeah ak im using rockwool so would you say 5.6-6.0 is ok.. ?
  4. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    yeah 1680ppm , ive always fed strong in the past without any probz and have achieved ec levels of over 4.0+ with some grows ,, its because i root my clones @ an ec of 1.4 ,, most wudnt but i believe the clones need to be treated lyk the plants they came from and need fed the same strength.. ...
  5. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    i have seen in another thread you say hydroponic systems should have a ph of 6.1-6.3 ,,, ive asked this question b4 and been told to keep it between 5.6-6.0 ... im running nft and bubblers so could you tell me where my ph should be please n thanx...
  6. 29menace

    i KNOW somethings wrong

    is this for nft and bubblers.????? iv asked this question b4 and been told keep ph @ 5.6-6.0 ,,,
  7. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    hi ak , the ph is 5.8-6.0 ,,,
  8. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    so is this signs of under or over feeding..? it may be slight but its getting worse..
  9. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    you might not see anything really wrong with the leafs but they are light in colour and there is alot of leafs turning this way on all the plants... , you will see the smallest leaf with the light tips and you can also see 1 of the close-ups where the vains in the leaf are turning red.... hope...
  10. 29menace

    have a couple questions guys n gals

    the following ec readings are using blulabs truncheon... i have 11 females flowering , they were vegged @ ec1.5 , at the start of flowering this was upped to ec2.0 and kept it to this for 1wk.. 2nd feed in flower i raised it to ec 2.4 ,,, they are 11 days into flower now and have been on...
  11. 29menace


    have raised ec of all flowering plants = SuperSkunk now @ ec2.3 ,, LemonSkunk @ ec2.0 ,, bubbler with 2 xAk47 , 1xHustlasWidow and 1xSuperSkunk is now @ ec2.2 all ph's are between 5.8-6.0
  12. 29menace


    here are the 19 superskunk clones i took the other day.. i modified a 205gt nft tank to hold 20 of the tiny lil pots and have turned it into a cloning bubbler system.. once they start to root i will add the air pump and fill the rez @ ec 1.2-1.4 ph 5.8 in the other tray are the 10 Ak47's...
  13. 29menace


    Been ocupied with other things the last few wks but managed to get a few pics earlier today.. Everything has been added to the flowering room and are 1wk into 12/12 under a 600w hps.. most of the plants were around 14inch at the start except 1 superskunk which was 11inches. The superskunks...
  14. 29menace

    Ph question

    how many days does it take to buffer or get to say 5.6-5.8 .???? if its taking a few days then thats a few days your plants aint getting what they need m8,,, @ ph 7.0 not much is available to the plants.....
  15. 29menace

    Ph question

    to VOIDOBJECT ,,,my tap water is ph 7.4ish after adding nutes it falls to 4.0-4.4 ,,, i have to add liquid silicone to achieve the correct ph... it all depends on amount of nutes you add to your rez i think.,, how much are you adding per litre .???whats your ec reading.???? and what is the...
  16. 29menace


    its been 10 days since my last update so thought id pop in n let you all know where im at... all 4 superskunk are doing very well indeed and have more than doubled in size, maybe more.. as the biggest is now not far off 14" ive just changed them to flower. ec 1.9 ph 5.9 the lemonskunks i...
  17. 29menace

    Ph question

    good to hear a few diff routines guys , thanx.. im only asking because i usually keep low ph levels but ran into mg deficiancies last grow.. as most of you are keeping your ph slightly below 6.0 i think i will just do the same and keep to my normal 5.6-5.8 routine..
  18. 29menace

    Ph question

    do you ever set it to above 6.0 ?
  19. 29menace

    Ph question

    Hi guys n gals just wondering what the correct ph is for the bubbler system during grow and bloom.. ive seen on dvd's and heard that its 6.1-6.3 = is this true or what lol... i tend to keep mine around 5.6-5.8 and im starting to wonder if im too low.. thanx in advance ppl..