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  1. 29menace

    any ideas what this is

    i have another question for you guys.. you say i hav a prob with mag def so if i raised the ph to 6.0 wud this sort the problem.?? im only asking because its only been in the last week and a half that ive had my ph higher than 5.6-5.7 ,its now 5.8 ans as mag isnt available at that range do...
  2. 29menace

    any ideas what this is

    again guys thanx for poppin in and helping... i dnt have anything here to sort the mag deficiency so any suggestions on what to get or do.?? its gona be a couple days till i get money
  3. 29menace

    any ideas what this is

    Thanx for the help
  4. 29menace

    any ideas what this is

    this is only affecting the fan leaves and its on most of them, its not on any other leaves there all nice n healthy. im 3wks into flower. 25 litre bubbler ph 5.8- 5.9 greenhaze bloom and using pk13/14 cf/ec 34 light 600w , day temp is a lil high but hey its the summer 85f-88f thats at...
  5. 29menace

    First Grow: Lemon Skunk in Bubbleponics

    overdrive is the daddy's and if i still had some id be adding it to the rez aswell. i also like adv nutes big bud liquid alongside pirahna , tarantula and sensizym... i used there stuff years ago with there sensi grow/bloom 2 part feed and the results were amazing.. yeah mine are a lil...
  6. 29menace

    First Grow: Lemon Skunk in Bubbleponics

    i know this isnt my journal but i find they like high strength feeding routines, for example mine are at an ec/cf of 32 and next week they will be peaking at 34-36 which is double the recomended strength of my feed. most will say you dnt need to go this high but i found with my lemons that they...
  7. 29menace

    PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)

    as you can see CLEARLY in the 1st post i asked ppl to leave comments if they know ANYTHING about this strain , you clearly dnt but wanted to be a smartarse instead.. if i wanted noobs to leave there 10 cents worth i wudov said noobs are welcome in here to talk shit.... and yeah lol 74...
  8. 29menace

    First Grow: Lemon Skunk in Bubbleponics

    the superskunk is the plant at the back sittin in the modded nft tank, its now a bubbler...
  9. 29menace

    First Grow: Lemon Skunk in Bubbleponics

    in the 25litre bubbler i have 4 lemons @ almost 21days flower, sorry for the mixup tho. i do have superskunk n thats prob why i made the mistake lol... these plants were flowered quite small and already they are over 3ft tall , the pics aint that gr8 coz the sodium is interfearing with the...
  10. 29menace

    First Grow: Lemon Skunk in Bubbleponics

    sorry m8 i meant lemonskunk lol,, thats twice this week iv got the strains mixed up.. too much ganja lmao... will post a pic in a min to let you see my lemons @ 3wks into flower - give or take a day or 2...
  11. 29menace

    PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)

    yeah im sure i would LVTDY, n thanx for taking the time to stop by n comment...
  12. 29menace

    PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)

    And its not just this thread that hasnt had replies,,,,,,,, ive had over 30 posts with no replies,,,,,, waste o time in here peeps...
  13. 29menace

    PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)

    been visiting this site for years now and im not surprised its been gettin BAD REP. its a disgrase that ppl leave threads n nobody replies.. i dnt care if you admin get yer knickers in a twist over this thread but c'mon ti fuk,,, get a grip... pile o shit this website , SKUNKSKOOL IS A...
  14. 29menace

    First Grow: Lemon Skunk in Bubbleponics

    nice journal , i too am growing superskunk frm greenhouse, have been for over 12 months perpetually. your pheno is the exact same as mine n takes big stretches in flower. im currently @ 17 days into flower using 25litre bubbler -for the first 7 days on 12/12 i feed grow then change to bloom...
  15. 29menace

    Pics of the superbud that was stolen

    hi , just wondering if your superbuds were slow to take off at the start.?? mine is in hydro and is only 4-5 inches tall @ 8wks veg.. have heard the same happning to others so any info on them wud be appreciated m8,,,,thanx..
  16. 29menace

    PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)

    any1 with any kindov info on this strain , plz leave you knowledge here.. thanx..
  17. 29menace

    PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)

    Is any1 currently growing this strain or have grown this strain because i purchased a feminised super bud n its almost 8wks in veg and its only 4" tall... when it sprouted i noticed it had 3 leaves instead of the normal 2 and was hoping it was a triploid but it hasnt put out 3 since its first...