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  1. 29menace

    WhiteRhino, LemonSkunk , K-train, Cheese , BubbleCheese , " NFT + DWC GROW"

    hi guys n gals, welcome to my journal n thanx for taking the time to stop by. i currently have various strains at diff stages of growth , from greenhouse seeds i have cheese , bubble cheese , lemonskunk n k-train. the rhino's i have are from nirvanah and there the same phenos as i grew last...
  2. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    never been busted guys n i hope ur not referring im a grass or informant @ kerten :o( , no chance o that happnin matey... reason i aint been back was i found another website to show off my bitches. thanx for the concern bwinn , not too sure if your still uzin this site but if you do pop back...
  3. 29menace

    Whats the earliest cloning can be done

    you can clone when your plant is around 40 days old.. dont take cuttings when its young... let i grow a while.. is it female.????? was it a clone.??? if yes to both just let her grow b4 you take away her dignity lol.. good luck m8..
  4. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    awww bwinns got a soft spot for my rhino lol.. how you doin m8.. hope all is well at your end.. ive not been in much so cant do alot in grow room till wk-end.. its crap coz i wana be in there 24/7 lol.. thanx grim you shud do well with 600w m8. im using 2x400w hps and use them for both...
  5. 29menace

    White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

    the red bits on the stems could be stress coz ive noticed that weneva i do things like top them it causes them to get red blotchy bits on the main stem..
  6. 29menace

    White widow and blue berry by bongspit...

    looking great man.. keep up the good wrk..
  7. 29menace

    White Rhino PC Case Grow & More

    how bad do rhino smell m8.... ive got 1 and its only 4-6 wks old and it reeks lol.. wot are they like in flower.???
  8. 29menace

    First Grow: Flowering

    nice lookin nuggets you got there m8.. looks great
  9. 29menace

    Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

    those led,s look really cool man... your whole setup is awsome m8..
  10. 29menace

    6 Ice Princess,3 Hydro 3 Soil

    lookin great m8.. check out my journal if you want...
  11. 29menace


    i use rockwool cubes (big n small) small for my clones and big for when the roots get bigger so they sit in the hydro tubs better.. they can be used in soil aswell and dont do any harm whatsoever to the plants.. if your thinkin bout placin them in a tub of water then ide suggest you add air...
  12. 29menace

    This is a hermi

    lol he is just showin every1 wot a hermie looks like.. nice pics m8..
  13. 29menace

    READ!! Need suggestions

    bigbud afghani is a great plant to grow.. it doesnt grow too big but gives you great yields.. white widow doesnt grow that big either but stinks lol.. im growing both just now,,,im 37 days into flower and my biggest afghan is only 38 inches in hight and my biggest widow must be around 25- 30...
  14. 29menace

    Thought you all mite want to see my ladies..

    thanks for all the interest ppl..
  15. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    just thought ide add some pics of the rhino... its feelin left out n just wants some fame..
  16. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    cheerz masta, thanx for having a look at my journal.. will pop in n see yours in a bit...
  17. 29menace

    Thought you all mite want to see my ladies..

    didnt upload the pic that time so here goes 2nd time hope it posts them this time..
  18. 29menace

    Thought you all mite want to see my ladies..

    here is my white rhino thats 4-6wks old and is vegging under a flourecent strip light.. just getting it big enuf to take a few cuttings.. the other day i noticed it had some frosty looking bits on the new growth and at the base of the small leaves.. i had a look with my 100x scope and saw...
  19. 29menace

    Thought you all mite want to see my ladies..

    thanx cheeta im glad you like wot im doing...
  20. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    thanks skitz cheers for popin in again m8... i tried last night to take a few wen the light went out but flash was too bright. will try again today n post them later.. i got the white widow from a mate of mine so couldnt really say where it came from smokerE the afghani bigbud i bought from...