PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)


Well-Known Member
Is any1 currently growing this strain or have grown this strain because i purchased a feminised super bud n its almost 8wks in veg and its only 4" tall... when it sprouted i noticed it had 3 leaves instead of the normal 2 and was hoping it was a triploid but it hasnt put out 3 since its first set.. i will post a pic of the 3 leaves if i havn't deleted it and i will take a few to show you the size its reached in almost 8wks...

there isnt alot of reviews on this strain but have seen others with the same problem so im hoping to find out if its wasting my time keeping her going..

feel free to comment whether its sumthing youve heard or sumthing you know about this strain... thanx.



Well-Known Member
been visiting this site for years now and im not surprised its been gettin BAD REP. its a disgrase that ppl leave threads n nobody replies.. i dnt care if you admin get yer knickers in a twist over this thread but c'mon ti fuk,,, get a grip...
pile o shit this website , SKUNKSKOOL IS A HELOVA LOT BETTER,,,,, ATLEAST PPL REPLY...


Well-Known Member
And its not just this thread that hasnt had replies,,,,,,,, ive had over 30 posts with no replies,,,,,, waste o time in here peeps...


Well-Known Member
Clearly no one has grown the strain. Bummer, I know, but that doesn't mean your time's wasted. Have a read around, I'm sure you'll learn something somewhere.


Well-Known Member
i have no experience with this strain, but i'm commenting so you know i read your comments. Thats what you wanted, isnt it?


Well-Known Member
as you can see CLEARLY in the 1st post i asked ppl to leave comments if they know ANYTHING about this strain , you clearly dnt but wanted to be a smartarse instead.. if i wanted noobs to leave there 10 cents worth i wudov said noobs are welcome in here to talk shit.... and yeah lol 74 posts counts as a noob in my eyes so chase yersel ya dafty...


Well-Known Member
Hey mate,

haven't grown that variety of bean yet, but have the super bud (http://www.greenhouseseeds.nl/shop/super-bud-feminised.html) from Greenhouse feminised in my second stage tray. from 5 I had 3 true triploids (will do strain review soon) and they have been growing like a madman. 4 weeks in and doing really well in my first stage ebb/flow tray with approx 400-500ppm / .65EC and 5.6-5.9. Due to that Afghanica style, they have sprouted out wide rather than tall. Almost every plant looks slightly different with only one having the characteristics I expected from this strain (Nice fat round little Indica / Afghanica leaves)

HOWEVER! The other two are dead in the water. tiny and overtaken by 2 Haze seeds that are 2 weeks out of the rockwool... (i.e. half the age)

Honestly, I have had pretty bad runs with feminised greenhouse seeds. They always look pretty weird until they get over to flowering. I think I will just get regular seeds from now on as I get 80% fems anyway. In saying that, I will clone one at least. As it looks really cool and is growing out as much as every inch it grows


Chill man... chill for real. Wish i could help you, first time Ive seen that name around. Greenhouse always seems to have a good all-round quality with most seeds, I would trust it and wait to see what happens. Don't hesitate to post your results if u decide to finish this plant. It will save pple that find their self in your place the future.



Well-Known Member
Hey mate,

haven't grown that variety of bean yet, but have the super bud (http://www.greenhouseseeds.nl/shop/super-bud-feminised.html) from Greenhouse feminised in my second stage tray. from 5 I had 3 true triploids (will do strain review soon) and they have been growing like a madman. 4 weeks in and doing really well in my first stage ebb/flow tray with approx 400-500ppm / .65EC and 5.6-5.9. Due to that Afghanica style, they have sprouted out wide rather than tall. Almost every plant looks slightly different with only one having the characteristics I expected from this strain (Nice fat round little Indica / Afghanica leaves)

HOWEVER! The other two are dead in the water. tiny and overtaken by 2 Haze seeds that are 2 weeks out of the rockwool... (i.e. half the age)

Honestly, I have had pretty bad runs with feminised greenhouse seeds. They always look pretty weird until they get over to flowering. I think I will just get regular seeds from now on as I get 80% fems anyway. In saying that, I will clone one at least. As it looks really cool and is growing out as much as every inch it grows


Well-Known Member
thanx d7b , mines is still tiny n doesnt seem to growin much, i topped her last wk-end and since then its only grew about half an inch on each branch. its still say 5 in tall and the branches are just over a half inch,,, compaired to everythin else i have she is defo the slowest.. will keep her going tho coz if i can get it a few inches taller i will flower it without cloning.

will be interesting to see your review m8.
hi I'm growing superbud aswell and the three leaf thing is totally cool as for the gro op keep going and see what this small plant will reward you with as I've heard she gives off a nice yield for persi needs. I am 2 weeks in and it's lookin fine 2inches 3 leaves