Ph question


Well-Known Member
Hi guys n gals just wondering what the correct ph is for the bubbler system during grow and bloom..

ive seen on dvd's and heard that its 6.1-6.3 = is this true or what lol...

i tend to keep mine around 5.6-5.8 and im starting to wonder if im too low..

thanx in advance ppl..


Well-Known Member
29menace: In our hydro classes we've been given some pretty wide specs: 5.5 to 6.0, with 5.8 being ideal. I check the ppm's and pH daily at 10:00 am with the air pump off. My plant's nute mix pH is usually around 6.1 to 6.4. I readjust it back to 5.5 to 5.8. I use Technaflora's "Recipe for Success," exclusively and I change my nutes at two week cycles. When the reservoir level gets low I add pH balanced water only. So far so good with no complaints or problems. I hope that helps. Hank


Well-Known Member
I try to keep mine 5.5 to 5.8 as well. It's hard at the start of the grow in my system as it's medium is hydroton, which has a high natural ph until it's saturated with the correct ph. It shoots from 5.5 to 7 in one day, which I knock down each morning and evening to prevent this from ebbing into my system. In a week or so it starts to even out.


Well-Known Member
good to hear a few diff routines guys , thanx.. im only asking because i usually keep low ph levels but ran into mg deficiancies last grow..
as most of you are keeping your ph slightly below 6.0 i think i will just do the same and keep to my normal 5.6-5.8 routine..


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
You wanna hear something different? I keep mine at 7.0 and let it lower by itself until around 5.5. This is done by using distilled water.


Well-Known Member
You wanna hear something different? I keep mine at 7.0 and let it lower by itself until around 5.5. This is done by using distilled water.
Uh what? I used distilled water and this does not happen to me. I buffer mine at 5.6 and let it rise to 6.0 or 6.1 and then clean the res and refill.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Maybe that's because you don't use it at 7 and instead chemical that bitch down to 5.6. The plants/nutes do this for me.


Well-Known Member
to VOIDOBJECT ,,,my tap water is ph 7.4ish after adding nutes it falls to 4.0-4.4 ,,, i have to add liquid silicone to achieve the correct ph... it all depends on amount of nutes you add to your rez i think.,, how much are you adding per litre .???whats your ec reading.???? and what is the ph of the distilled water you use...


Well-Known Member
how many days does it take to buffer or get to say 5.6-5.8 .???? if its taking a few days then thats a few days your plants aint getting what they need m8,,, @ ph 7.0 not much is available to the plants.....

You wanna hear something different? I keep mine at 7.0 and let it lower by itself until around 5.5. This is done by using distilled water.