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  1. Urca

    Question to Fat People!

    lol well there are a few factors... emotional, and then excercise, and then what you eat. i love to dance, etc, but i hate excercise that is structured. i eat alot, and alot of times its out of boredom or i think i should eat, then i tell myself not to, but i do it anyway, i also tend to snack...
  2. Urca

    Do you eat out or cook at home more?

    starting it up on another thread??? just quit
  3. Urca

    Question for men

    no, my mom is getting married, and i read the article. your an ass, just back the fuck off for dloc07
  4. Urca

    Question for men

    no, that was for louis, dont sweat it
  5. Urca

    Question for men

    Um, thats kinda shitty for one, and for two, its a serious question
  6. Urca

    Question for men

    Lol well my mom is getting married eventually, and i read the article on yahoo
  7. Urca

    Question for men

    thats what i was thinking too
  8. Urca

    Question for men

    true, and i have a brother and several male cousins, so the name will live on. Personally, I think it makes a family unit whole. Like when im with my dad's family, we all have the same last name. Then when I live with my mom, she reverted to her maiden name because she hates my last name, and...
  9. Urca

    Question for men

    lol that made me laugh. i hate hyphenated names, and honestly, as much as my last name is a part of me, if i ever become a professional, it will be butchered by every single person. I understand its a german last name, but seriously, how do you butcher a 5 letter last name?????
  10. Urca

    Question for men

    idk, i mean, its a hard choice to make. If your a girl you're brought up to expect that your name will change as you get married. But at the same time you are deeply attached to your family's name, the one you grew up with. so, short of hyphenating it or keeping your own name, you kinda lose...
  11. Urca

    Question for men

    lol im not hyphenating my name, seems pretentious.
  12. Urca

    Question for men

    why is it important for your children to have your last name but not a wife?
  13. Urca

    Question for men

    I was reading a yahoo article about women giving up their last names when they get married. But then I had a thought. How do men feel about their wives taking their last name? Is it important to you? How would you react if she kept her maiden name or made a hyphenated last name? Alot of women...
  14. Urca

    Tasty Weed

    haha its just a way of saying an idea of who they are. like my friends said to their friend on the phone, "yeah im over at that white girl Erica's house"
  15. Urca

    Tasty Weed

    damn, i couldnt smoke an oz by myself.... there's no way. maybe with two people, and smoking 24/7... i smoke alot but one or two or three bowls will get me ripped, depending on the quality. if i keep smoking after im already lit, i just lose the high...
  16. Urca

    Tasty Weed

    goddamn it!!!!!!!! are you serious? i mean, i dont even avacados, but i wanted to try growing something... fuck me
  17. Urca

    I hate my hands....

    no, thats not why asshole, its cause my family has a history of skin conditions....
  18. Urca

    Tasty Weed

    how do you do that?
  19. Urca

    Tasty Weed

    lol i cant grow anything, though i am trying to grow an avacado tree since i learned how to sprout an avacado seed.
  20. Urca

    Tasty Weed

    damn i took a pic with the sack on webcam but cant get it to save to my computer