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  1. Urca

    What's fer lunch,,,,,

    i hate taco bell, ever since i was a kid. del taco anyday. :)
  2. Urca

    Question to Fat People!

    take it from a fat person. i dont have a disease, i have no self control.
  3. Urca


    i really dont know. just being myself, i only post on toke n talk, and rarely on the spirituality forum, but thats about it. i didnt get it from growing advice or whatever, and i dont pretend to know anythng about that. all my rep came from toke n talk
  4. Urca

    What's fer lunch,,,,,

    hmm for breakfast its a cinnamon raisin bagel, and a huge cup of instant ice coffee, since we ran out of real coffee yesterday
  5. Urca


    this is me yo. no wild hair this time, just a tame braid
  6. Urca

    Chicks Tattoos Piercings Beauty

    i will never get any gauges or facial peircings... but i wanted an industrial bar, and my little ear nub peirced like my mom
  7. Urca

    Question for men

    poor dude, that is all the parents fault
  8. Urca


    where shall we meet again? upon the heath. ere the set of sun, when the battle's lost and won
  9. Urca


    Ah screw your courage to the sticking place! Our hands are of the same color but i'd shame to wear a heart so white!
  10. Urca


    Ahh i love Macbeth. I bought the pbs production of it today for 12 bucks, its amazing. One of the best movies I have ever seen. here's the whole movie for free on the pbs website: its kinda trippy
  11. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    cold heart canyon.... lol i read that when i was like 13... thats when i found out a book can get you wet and horrify you at the same time
  12. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    ive read every single book in the series at least 10 times
  13. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    Its kinda lame but the little house on the prairie books are dope, and anything by tamora pierce is amazing. I have like 16 books by her
  14. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    Thank you Carne! God, books are so expensive
  15. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    lol if you can find me a pdf of the canterbury tales or macbeth i will love you forever
  16. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    to kill a mockingbird sucks ass. just saying and im reading it now carne... lol you may be right
  17. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    Not very much, i just know that Journey to west is important in the chinese canon so i want to read it if i can plug my way through old man and the sea, i got this. I hate the russian authors btw. off topic but its true
  18. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    The odyessy is fucking awesome. I want to read Journey to the West, which is the first novel written in China, and I cant find a copy. Hmm, I loved the Canterbury Tales too
  19. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    I read it when i was 14 and cried for an hour. It was good. I love to read. I have so many books, and i like reading the classics too, i was a huge fan of the secret garden when i was a little kid, and also I learned all of the greek myths, read sophocles (when i was a freshman. I read Ajax...
  20. Urca

    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    Hmm, read the gret gatsby, i like that book. candide is good too. I have a copy of walden pond that i have yet to read, and i got to page 450 in war an peace before my mom made me stop reading it, cause she said it was a waste of time. I loved Animal Farm, and i love love love Macbeth.