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  1. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    nope, 1836
  2. Urca

    Do you cook? What's for dinner(Toke n Cook :D)

    why do you make japanese food? are you even japanese?
  3. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    lol im sorry but texas was fighting with the confederacy at that time... therefore they were already a state, and wouldnt have had to fight mexico in 1863
  4. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    dude, i think the alamo was like 1840 soemthing? am i wrong?
  5. Urca

    Do you dye your hair?

    yeah, it does make my hair feel like straw for a few weeks, but then it gets all shiny and soft after like a month, pretty effect
  6. Urca

    What do they teach in British schools?

    i love world history too. im a beast at history. i took the us history sat for fun, didnt study, got a 720.
  7. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    your right, but it wont let me give you rep.
  8. Urca

    Do you dye your hair?

    i did the pink back in june, and it was splat. i used the atomic pink. also threw in some luscious raspberries. have used the brand several times before. ive also bleached and dyed my hair for years
  9. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    he was getting head from his wife while drving, and ran her over
  10. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    lol i have all my study guides next to me, so i have plenty of questions to chose from. who is El greco and what painting is he famous for?
  11. Urca

    Do you dye your hair?

    and what does the hairstylist have to say about my hair?
  12. Urca

    What do they teach in British schools?

  13. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    the catholic church pretty much flipped a bitch during the reformation and asked people to change their ways of painting to be more spirtual or intellectual than before, no more pagan influence, which sadly changed the way mimesis was done... the people looked real, everything looked normal, but...
  14. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    I was referring to mimesis from the renaissance stance, not from the ancient greek or post renaissance stance. it was what i learned in art history. it was a broad question
  15. Urca

    Do you dye your hair?

    what do you think of the blonde?
  16. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    id have given you the rep if you were right, but you werent. and i havent forgiven you, but im not petty about rep
  17. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    none of you are right. mimesis came about in the early reniassance to represent life as close to reality as it could be in paintings, often with perfected versions of men. it falls in line with linear perspective, and its important because it shaped the renaissance until the reformation, which...
  18. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    it did for awhile, thanks to ____
  19. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    straight from google^ but thats not what i mean by mimesis. hint: has to do with renaissance paintings
  20. Urca

    For Rep Trivia

    what is mimesis and why is it important? when did mimesis fall out of favor and why?