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  1. Urca

    I hate my hands....

    i have a skin condition that makes the space between my fingers, and up one finger, red, dry, and it hurts and sometimes the skin comes off. its related to the one on my neck, ears, and scalp, my oldersister has it only on her head and neck though
  2. Urca

    I hate my hands....

    lol despite how much they hurt and how ugly they can get without the right lotion on, ill keep them, they came with the original packaging
  3. Urca

    I hate my hands....

    i guess? idk, im just mad about my hands
  4. Urca

    I hate my hands....

    the picture is only a red x...
  5. Urca

    I hate my hands....

    i hate the way my hands look. stupid skin condition. i took an early morning toke and then saw my hands, had to go scrub them. bah.... carry on i just needed to vent. at least i didnt get started about my neck.
  6. Urca

    smoking out of my new pipe

    awww thank you! lol i should show you what i looked like in my prom dress.... and you saw what that purple dress looked like
  7. Urca

    do religious dreams have meaning?

    i believe in a god, but heaven and hell? jesus? mohammed? nope..... not for me
  8. Urca

    do religious dreams have meaning?

    ram's horn, and lol im not the messiah... i dont even believe in that crap
  9. Urca

    do religious dreams have meaning?

    lol it was a fucked up dream, the world had become evil, and god hid me from the world for a while. then, i had to come back and die. so that the world would be reborn. so my mom killed me with a horn. and as i was dying i tried to show my sister that god was real.
  10. Urca

    For mod april

    i find you pretentious at times but its part of your charm
  11. Urca

    do religious dreams have meaning?

    i am not a christian, nor do i belong to any religion, but i had a very relgious dream.... i told my friend who is in the seminary about my dream, and he said it might be a sign...
  12. Urca

    anti-arabic day?

    haha havent you seen my pictures? im as white as snow
  13. Urca

    anti-arabic day?

    my mom said that they should all stay inside today, how dare they show their faces... but i disagree. They didnt do anything wrong except believe in a certain religion. and yet so much hate is directed towards them... personally, i believe you should judge a man on his actions...
  14. Urca

    smoking out of my new pipe

    she needs a man. someone who will treat her right. kuroi, you should listen to this song... it's helped me alot
  15. Urca

    My Grandma's Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

    hey, would you be able to make this without an ice cream maker?
  16. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3 kuroi i can see you in these
  17. Urca

    If you have a dog read this!

    idk what i would get though
  18. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol ive always been into the whole wedding thing, its a guilty pleasure of mine. i do it so i know what i want at my wedding, and so far ive only got two problems. color scheme and day/ night and late summer/late fall
  19. Urca

    If you have a dog read this!

    yeah i live with my mom and we have a dog and a cat. id like my own dog or cat but that just wont work. we lost a cat a few months ago... our little cat hasnt been the same since. the dog a bit too
  20. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    well my first choice was that empire style silk gown, with the pleats with the brooch... but if i was really skinny, and had alot of money, id do something similar to this...