I hate my hands....


Well-Known Member
i hate the way my hands look. stupid skin condition. i took an early morning toke and then saw my hands, had to go scrub them. bah.... carry on i just needed to vent. at least i didnt get started about my neck.


Well-Known Member
"And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:"


Well-Known Member
lol despite how much they hurt and how ugly they can get without the right lotion on, ill keep them, they came with the original packaging


Well-Known Member
i have a skin condition that makes the space between my fingers, and up one finger, red, dry, and it hurts and sometimes the skin comes off. its related to the one on my neck, ears, and scalp, my oldersister has it only on her head and neck though


Active Member
u having any itchy sensation too,?? myt be something allergic,
i had wicked rash for mosquito bites, escalates so much that I cant even walk...
ate anything funny recently?


Active Member
Man Urca, you've always got something wrong in your life. Perhaps you should stop wasting your time making the negative aspects focal points in your life and try having an optimistic outlook. Don't understand why somebody would want to go through life feeling sorry for themselves.


Pickle Queen
Try using honey and sugar as and exfoliant to remove dead skin, cleans, dab with olive oil.

STAY away from any steroid creams!!!!!!!

Fish oil is also very affective


Well-Known Member
quit eating all of that shitty processed food you've been pounding. See the thread about plant eaters for some helpful advice.


Active Member
Sorry urca but frosty has a good point. Do u eat crappy food? packaged shit
thats what I said, i have an allergy to canned tomatoes and canned fruits...skin gets itch,
could be a problem eating outside at times :cuss:
so i have to use olive oil to and rub it, fish oil is good but is heavy too