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  1. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    haha yeah im far from a ho, this guy is the only guy ive ever done stuff with. my first everything so far
  2. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    ^what you mean you dont know about me?
  3. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol how about a skirt and skimpy panties? lol i wore that last night, hoping maybe, you know... im just sticking to jeans though from now on
  4. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol basically i tried to move his hand where i wanted it to go, but then he's like, where are you trying to put my hand, so i said my pussy, then he stopped and we had a little talk about not having sex. he's like, im trying to be careful how far i go with you, you're a virgin and itshould be...
  5. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    haha i do get some reciprocation, just ntohing below the belt. and it started off as a question and ended up becoming a story telling session
  6. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    idk, i think it makes him feel guilty? seriously he said "i feel like i violated you"
  7. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    why do you say god help the person who takes my virginity?
  8. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    no, he didnt want to because he said that he'd feel wrong taking that from me, especially if it would mean something to a guy ill actually date, and it should be special. but he said it wasnt completely out of the question, i have a little hope
  9. Urca

    How To Break It To My Mom?

    no, my check hasnt come yet. and they decided not to give me 2500 all together, they're splitting it up. i cant even afford to give it to him
  10. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    am kinda bummed he didnt wanna sleep with me though
  11. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    i know he and i arent long term. yeah your problably right on the second one.... but at least he enjoyed himself
  12. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol i guess. oh well. i dont mind any part of it until he surprised the fuck out of me, i could have used a heads up at least
  13. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol well thats the reasoning he gave me. personally i didnt mind as long as he let me slow down when i needed to. i mean, its not a big deal to do that. problably help me out in the long run
  14. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    No, i blew him. Until he came in mouth, even though that part wasnt supposed to happen
  15. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    tempo and depth are important. not face fucking. basically its like he was trying to help me get over my gag reflex, so kinda guided me with his hands, but then got carried away until he got the love tap
  16. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    um, he didnt want me to swallow. he didnt even want to cum anywhere near my mouth. he apologized for the rest of the night. so i suggest you actually read what i post cause this isnt the first time i said it
  17. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    i did use my mouth all over, its just he gets really ethusiastic. like hands on my hair, goes fast, etc... but i learned if i give him a love tap on the stomach when i cant hang with him, he goes at my pace until im ready again
  18. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol in a cramped car its not that hard to be forced to stay down, and plus, i like letting him have the control. does that mean i like having cum in my mouth? nope.
  19. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol head stroking? i get little kisses on my forehead. and its not like i didnt consider just swallowing it, but literally he wouldnt let me sit up until i spit all of it back out, and wipe my mouth with his shirt
  20. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    i know, but swallowing it.... i problably would have thrown up. i have a pretty sensitive gag reflex, which already makes blowing him slightly uncomfortable, but the whole ok i just abused the fuck out of your mouth with my cock, and i know you've gagged alot, but here you go... ugh. he...