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  1. Urca

    What are you listening to?

    Im listening to this band:
  2. Urca

    Anyone else looking forward to the Fall/Winter seasons?? I am!

    its finally nice out... cold, grey, and wet. if the wind picks up it'd be perfect.
  3. Urca

    Knock Shit

    ugh fuck that shit, if anything ill smoke a little tobbacco i have to stretch out the feeling of the weed
  4. Urca

    Knock Shit

    lol im not gonna lie, i siphon weed from my madre when she buys hella of it. though i always sneak in and use one of her peices, but make sure i leave a fat bowl in there for her of my good weed. i burn it a little bit so she can think that she was the last one smoking on it, and then she gets a...
  5. Urca

    Knock Shit

    ugh so ran out of weed earlier. i made that shit last FOREVER. i feel like a knock. I cant sleep tonight so I went around my room to all the places I ever hid my weed, and found all the loose bits, scraped up enough for a shitty bowl... god damn it i am a knock right now... just a stressful day!
  6. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    lol yeah i can dig it.
  7. Urca

    Sex On The Rag?

    I guess, i mean what would i know with the way my dating life is? Never even had a bf, just my fwb
  8. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    I guess jus the way you talk to her, with condescension, kinda irks me. but whatever, do your thing. i mean, what does it change? plus if i keep arguing you're gonna try to shame me with your twisted logic
  9. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    Im not trying to argue with you crypt, but the man does have a point. I have read several posts of yours where you flip and change the words, or change the conext or meaning, to achieve a tone of superiority with everyone. the best example of it is some of the stuff you say to Kuroi. Wtf man...
  10. Urca

    Sex On The Rag?

    Jailbait means anyone under 18 homie. Im just saying, Ive seen friends get married and divorced, people "engaged" have a baby, then its over. I applaud you two for being in love, but take it slow? You're both so young, especially her.
  11. Urca

    Sex On The Rag?

    im not trying to be fucked up, but you guys sound a little young and wild to be getting married, having kids. she's jailbait, kicked a cop, wants to get married and have babies... just chill and take it slow!!
  12. Urca

    Sex On The Rag?

    wait is she pregnant right now?
  13. Urca

    Sex On The Rag?

    she can get that mirena thing and she wont have babies for five years unless she gets it removed
  14. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    yeah thats true, the sad thing is, it isnt the internet troll, its the real life douchebag
  15. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    lets just say i have my ways
  16. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    its only one person i want to hurt
  17. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    youtube. nuff said. unless someone wants to castrate this idiot for me, id be much obliged. he's a fucking loser
  18. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    not today. i feel like i could castrate somebody
  19. Urca

    Adventure Time/Trolls

    gfreeman, who called you a nut hugger? cause despite our argument, i dont get that impression of you
  20. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    The white gloves are beautiful