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  1. Urca

    The not nudity, nudity thread

    ^ see my last post in my yay for alabama thread. btw you know kuroi digs chicks right? oh but that would deprive you of a chance to appear superior
  2. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    WHATEVER DUDE. FUCK. ALWAYS TRYING TO BE SO FUCKING WITTY AND SMART, LIKE YOUR SOME FUCKING INFALLIABLE GOD WHO KNOWS ALL THE RIGHT ANSWERS AND IS RIGHT IN EVERY SITUATION. i like you about 50% of the time, but right now i just want to punch you in your face. fuck this, i need to get off this...
  3. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    um, honestly, what does it matter? i said their first name and citizenship, not who they are, where they live, their phone numbers. shit, i dont even put up my last name on here or my location, much less theirs. find another bone to pick
  4. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    omg that kid has serious issues
  5. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    im not talking crap about my friends. lol im talking crap about the issue
  6. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    posting what????????
  7. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    i know it sounds bad, but my friends victor and laura are illegal, and just happened to start talking about the dream act on fb, so i decided to get into a debate with them
  8. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    ok just had a long debate on facebook, im warming to the idea of the dream act, but still, not cool with all the ones not giving shit back and keep taking and taking. btw, if they were legal, they wouldnt have to take the worst jobs
  9. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    im not rying to troll, i just will never agree with what they are saying. im not trying to personally attack anyone either.
  10. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    I just graduated high school, trying to get a job, go to school full time, help out around the house. i dont ask for people to do stuff for me, buy stuff for me, etc. i do it on my own or not at all
  11. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    Entitlement? I think not. Ive had a hard life, I dont expect things to be just given to me, or for people to like me, treat me well. I dont expect the govt to take care of my problems. Self reliance is vital, and so is following the law. Yes I smoke weed, but who else does that hurt? Illegal...
  12. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    I honestly dont have a problem with you, but you're making this personal. we think differently, does that mean you should dislike me? i really dont think so
  13. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    and by any less than citizens, i mean they still deserve basic human rights and decent treatment
  14. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    why, because i have a difference in opinion? Oh thats right, alot of people on this site hate when people think differently than them
  15. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    Actually it was WWII. and the agreement was only for a certain amount of time. I dont think that they deserve to be treated as any less than citizens, but i do believe they should at least attempt to become legal. learn english. shit, get a fucking green card.
  16. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    The thing about people on this site is that they are too liberal. Well, thats fine, but dont start throwing out personal insults because i dont think america should be a haven for illegals
  17. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    calling me rascist? thats hilarious. Im far from it. I have a problem with illegal people, not people of a different race. there is a difference. everyone deserves respect, illegal or not. does that mean they deserve to live here if they arent doing it legally? nope.
  18. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    honestly, i have no problem with mexican people. about 50% of my friends are mexican. Shit, i almost dated a few mexican guys. Idk, I live in CA, and its a huge problem. I have no problem with Mexican people i have a problem with ILLEGAL<----- people. its breaking the law, but we want to wipe...
  19. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    Funny, my family came over legally. You know whats even funnier? they are breaking the law. Cut and dry. fuck them. I have no problem with people coming to the United states, but they got to do it the right way. Personally i think the govt should make becoming a citizen easier. Instead of...
  20. Urca

    Yay for alabama

    So alabama is checking the citizenship status of every student enrolled in their schools. Basically, a kid has to have a birth certificate, or swear to be a citizen. If the parent wont provide either a birth ceritficate or swear, the kids will be marked as illegal immigrants. Good idea. I...