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  1. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    if you tasted what i tasted, you'd understand. slightly reminescent of bleach
  2. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    true true, might have been better if he had at least returned the favor with making me... you know. but everything else was bueno
  3. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    swallowing isnt an option with him, like i told you he will make me spit it out regardless. he thinks its hella fucked up to do, and was guilty for the rest of the night
  4. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    yeah i just kinda realized that, im just kinda peeved about it.
  5. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    ^dont even get me started.... ugh. fuck swallowing. never ever ever will i do it!
  6. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    yeah, i finally had a talk with him about reciprocating the pleasure i give him, i mean it was a little too late as it was right before i got out of his car. But we had a great time. Lol i know he did for sure. he's never talked dirty to me before, or called me babe, and i dont ever remember our...
  7. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    well we did get high and everything was awesome. except he doesnt want to fuck me. he said that he doesnt want me to regret having sex, and that it should be with a boyfriend, not him, though he did say that he wasnt ruling anything out, he just wanted it to be nice for me.
  8. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    well im fat as hell, and doubled with the fact im a virgin, im nervous he wont like it
  9. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    cause im a virgin?
  10. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    what does that mean?
  11. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol pretty much. though it would be different if he lived closer
  12. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol im scared to fuck! i mean, i want to, but afriad
  13. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    friends with benefits. basically a really good friend one screws around with
  14. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    lol i guess, idk where its gonna go. actually thought about taking it further but im a pussy and kinda scared so nope.
  15. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    haha what makes you think that?
  16. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    Lol i never ask names, I trust my dealer. Generally I get really good weed, but this time, its good, but not as good as usual, and a bit dry. So i think it will be good for him. Scale of 1-10, id give the weed a strong 7
  17. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    Yeah seems like a good plan. I dont wanna freak him out
  18. Urca

    Tips on smoking out an infrequent smoker

    So most of you know that i have a fwb situation. Well he's coming up tonight and Im smoking him out. the thing is, he kinda has had bad experiences with weed, and only recently did he finally have a so so experience. I want to make it great for him, so I need some tips to help with the situation!
  19. Urca

    Fat bastard, buy two seats!

    HMM, well, ill agree and disagree. I am fat. I fly alot. I will never pay for two seats. Lol my body structure worked out where my butt is small and pancake like enough to fit into one seat, and never had to use an extension seat belt. People like my dad, who are hella big, should maybe not pay...
  20. Urca

    Don't Trust Them

    im a big fan of all the dragon ball series, but they never show the one where goku is a kid anymore!<---- the best one, it lacked all the convoluted shit every new series got after they branched off from it