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  1. Urca

    Smoking people out?

    Its harder to say no to these people, cause ive known all them since I was like 12, and the girl since I was like 4
  2. Urca

    Smoking people out?

    Im just happy that my sister knows to ask before she hits it, and its because she asks that I say yes. Note, that mooch for weed is generally a nice person, and I do offer to do it. However, she just like kinda expects me to offer. And when I offer I usually mean like one bowl then let me...
  3. Urca

    Smoking people out?

    The thing is, its mainly my sister and our friend from childhood. Now my sister will smoke me out from time to time, or when i dont have any weed she'll break me off a bit, but not nearly as much as I do for her. Which doesnt bother me, its my sister, and plus my brother constantly smoked me out...
  4. Urca

    Smoking people out?

    idk, id rather we just all pool our money and smoke, so i dont get mad. im pretty much gonna chill on smoking people out, cause they need to realize im not always down to share.
  5. Urca

    Smoking people out?

    its friends and family, and i do buy it all. shit, if i didnt smoke them out id be getting high right now and my sister does repay the favor like 1/2 the time
  6. Urca

    Smoking people out?

    nah these people smoke as much if not more than i do, idk they just dont feel the need to reciprocate, and it pisses me off.
  7. Urca

    Smoking people out?

    So I do this alot, just to be nice and earn some karma points. but its really starting to piss me off that the same people will continually smoke my weed, but never return the favor. i mean, i barely ever get smoked out, but i do it for people... idk its just getting old, but when i pull out my...
  8. Urca

    Lol which is the most "cool" weather?

    haha i always spell it wrong. lol lightning!! not lightening
  9. Urca

    Lol which is the most "cool" weather?

    My geography teacher said that they were different. idk honestly
  10. Urca

    trojans and malware

    my advice: stop watching so much porn
  11. Urca

    trojans and malware

    im thinking you're going to have to erase all of your computer, and have someone re build it, then it will work again. sometimes computers are just too far gone
  12. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol either way lets either see some wedding dresses or some lace and frills, enough of the bullshit talk
  13. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    well im just saying if your gonna call me out, or ignore it when im being harrassed, but then turn around and act in the same way you told me not to act, then where is your validity? i do like you as a person and think you're pretty damn funny, but when i read all your replies to fdd, i realized...
  14. Urca

    Tokers - best cereal ever

    lol you dont understand, my sister eats cereal like its nothing. same with my dad. ive never been a big fan of it, i mean i like it, but i dont choose to eat it alot (same thing goes with candy and ice cream). ive eaten lots of different cereals, and those are my favorite
  15. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    i feel like im watching my own drama play out, except through a different mouth. kinda peeves me actually, when i used to get berated by april for "bringing it on myself". nothing against you april, but you just keep feeding into fdd. you cant make everyone like you, or think that you are...
  16. Urca

    Lol which is the most "cool" weather?

    yeah i used to live outside of vegas.... amazing lightening storms, i freaking love it. im pretty sure its between lightening and maybe hurricanes
  17. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    ooh can i have you from 12-3 on friday? ;) lol
  18. Urca

    Lol which is the most "cool" weather?

    i know, i know i shouldnt miss it, but I have an A in that class while in Geography I have a nice c+, b- thing, which isnt cool to me, so i figure im gonna do my geography project, and start my essay for poli sci
  19. Urca

    Tokers - best cereal ever

    i was never a big cereal person growing up, but i do love some cereals. Frosted Cheerios Frosted Flakes Fruity Dynobites Reese's puffs any kind of captain crunch Booberry, Count Chocula Rice Chex And some weird cereal with dried blueberries and cherries
  20. Urca

    Ok I found this other grow website talking complete trash about Rollitup. Look at it.

    I dont smoke during the week when I have school, and this is important to get done, cause im already struggling in the class