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  1. T

    Urgent help needed

    And what are you some sorta Robinhood that got no life outside this web site ? Now you can shove your help somewhere else and please gtfo from my post. It’s like a bunch of morons that don’t know how to read, I stated with the first message not to bother me with bs, and in contrary a bunch...
  2. T

    Urgent help needed

    So you simply could have said it politely like that! Not attack with worlds like you did. I will post another picture later when I’ll have lights off. I didn’t mean to attack you in any way, I’m just annoyed with people here that haven’t said a thing what this problem could be but complaint...
  3. T

    Urgent help needed

    Ok you know what I’m gonna do? I’ll figure out this problem myself just as I have 100s of others as I said. And when I do, I’ll post a pic and rub it in your disgusting filthy face and anyone who’s been anything but helpful here. It’s not even funny that I knew how these posts will turn out...
  4. T

    Urgent help needed

    Why don’t you fuck off my post? I didn’t invite you nor I’m interested in your poor knowledge, all you do is bitch and bitch. I am nice to those that are nice to me, and you can see such replies to courteous knowledgeable posts. Asking me to get on my knees for your so called knowledge is...
  5. T

    Urgent help needed

    Lmao and this guy is screaming the loudest?!?!? This guy you guys listen to and take advice from? Oh boy I hope not every grower here is such a incompetent bully. There is first sign why one should never listen to you because you know zero about growing cannabis and that is never grow in plastic...
  6. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh my goodness seriously ? You’re just like that 30 year old experienced grower looking for all kinds of excuses. Just say you don’t know! Light is not going to help you gain knowledge all of a sudden! Yes I didn’t turn the second light off , so you’re getting a little pink hue which affects...
  7. T

    Urgent help needed

    Do you know the best way to give them these 11 immobile nutrients naturally ? I don’t wanna use any chemicals , just wanna take care of it the natural way. I’ve been Foliar spraying with mineral water hoping they will absorb necessary elements but didn’t help for the discoloration. And thanks a...
  8. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh yeah of course all of a sudden you know the issue. A freaking genius was born, hallelujah! So why are you bragging about it then, shove that info deep somewhere! I never said I was know it all, that’s why I’m here seeking advice ... am I smart? Yes I am! Are you dumb? Why even bringing up...
  9. T

    Urgent help needed

    I burn them. I have a large torch that I torch every disgusting creature that annoys me
  10. T

    Urgent help needed

    I didn’t know there were a set of rules that one has to fulfill before posting here. I have no problem sharing about myself. I have 3 years of growing experience, and unlike many of you that are obsessed with all kinds of test kits and meters, I have been growing without any of that hassle. And...
  11. T

    Urgent help needed

    First off, you can see results in 3 days, and I mean any results! Wether you trying to find out if particular nutrient works etc. while you may sit there months hoping to notice differences, I see them the next day! Maybe that’s where my experience comes in! I know if plants wants this or that...
  12. T

    Urgent help needed

    Great but I don’t think you wanna know what I do with flies In my garden
  13. T

    Urgent help needed

    The way around. They were underfed 2 days ago, looking slump and tired. After feeding them , they perked up. So definitely not over fed. And I posted more pictures
  14. T

    Urgent help needed

    Hey guys, I posted more pictures as requested without lights on. I also noticed a few small brown spots on the leaves similar to copper/calcium deficiency. Leaves just don’t look right compared to the rest which are rich green color. See photos.
  15. T

    Urgent help needed

    This is the problem . I wanted to avoid people like you junking up my post. If you have nothing to say to help, then move on! I really don’t care about your opinion on anything other than cannabis! And with or without you, I will solve this problem just as 100s Of others I solved by myself. I...
  16. T

    Urgent help needed

    Also to give you an idea. There are no discolored leaves on the bottom of the plant. Only the top and what seems to be on newer leaves. This is important because most deficiencies start from the bottom of the plant. On contrary the bottom looks much healthier than the top. So it very much seems...
  17. T

    Urgent help needed

    Hi guys, I’ve seen many deficiencies in years of growing but never seen anything like this nor I can find any information about it. Basically these plants are the most beautiful and healthiest I’ve ever grown; you can see by its rich green color. Yet somehow I started getting pale spots on...