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  1. T

    Urgent help needed

    To those that are interested to help and asked before here is the information. This batch I’m growing on lobster compost , first time but I think it’s much better than coco which I used for years. Then I feed it with ph neutral 6.5 water and tea I make from kelp, earthworm castings and...
  2. T

    Urgent help needed

    First it’s not free in California . Secondly I buy out of no choice. I’ve dealt with ph issues and tap water here is highly alkaline. While many plants I don’t care much about are growing fine, I have been feeding my valuable plants with bottled water. Again I don’t even drink myself bottled...
  3. T

    Urgent help needed

    Yeah! And that’s what I’m trying to do is dial mine Up if some of you will finally leave me alone and let those that really knowledgeable help! It’s interesting to see who knowledgeable people been leaving mind replies without bitching and those that don’t know shit have to stink up the entire...
  4. T

    Urgent help needed

    There you go, finally someone with sense! And thank you for saying that!
  5. T

    Urgent help needed

    One, I buy soil with stabilized PH. Two, I get bottled water with perfect ph for plants. Three, are you saying you who vigorously check PH every time - never had any problems huh? Just perfect every time huh? And final note for such smart people like you, go check your soil’s PH in different...
  6. T

    Urgent help needed

    Well now you know how to attract flies to shit anytime you need them
  7. T

    Urgent help needed

    And if you’re so bright , didn’t you read where I said to stay the fuck away from my post? You should be last one Sitting here questioning someone’s intelligence, when you can’t even read. Thought Canada spoke English smh
  8. T

    Urgent help needed

    ok guys, a final note. Just as expected despite so many screams from all these so called pro growers that know exactly what my problem is but not willing to help because I’m not kissing their ass. So sad and so pathetic , you know why? Because I have read the very same posts created or replied...
  9. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh boy and who are you? Funny you complaining about knowledge on YouTube when you don’t know a simply thing as how to read. Had you read my comment you would have never replied with what you have unless you’re just really dumb.. but I’d go with you unable to either read or comprehend at least
  10. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh boy you just joined few months ago and already feeling the boss?!! It’s simply man no need to any buttons just gtfo from my post already!
  11. T

    Urgent help needed

    And let me clarify when I say stupid it has nothing to do with you may not knowing the problem in question. Your stupidity shows so badly in all your off topic bitchy unnecessary comments !
  12. T

    Urgent help needed

    I never apologized nor I will to stupidity. I only thanked and I am good to those that are to me. I don’t have a split personality, what I have is actually much simpler. I simply cannot stand stupidity moreover stupid people.
  13. T

    Urgent help needed

    LiSten let me make it easier for you. I don’t need your pathetic advices such as gear up with 100s of different nutrients, install a hydro and start growing on a schedule etc.. I know exactly I can go get even clay pebbles and load it up with chemicals and start growing like you! If you missed...
  14. T

    Urgent help needed

    Yo asshole, I’ve been growing fine without you for 3 years. I know or I don’t, I always got my harvest. So for you to sit there look like You’re the only people that can grow and hold this worldly secret , it’s just pathetic and sad! Why you say? Because cannabis is not different than any other...
  15. T

    Urgent help needed

    You’re a dumbass for not helping and still bitching about it! It would be different if you helped and I was ungrateful, but for what it’s worth, there is nothing to thank you for so far, in contrary I asked such people and comments to keep to themselves or go somewhere else to bitch about! There...
  16. T

    Urgent help needed

    Still a moron, had you known a bit about nature you would have purchased a black fabric pot...doesn’t take genius to know that roots like dark, your white pot is not helping achieve darkness not to mention how dirty and nasty they will look in a few months
  17. T

    Urgent help needed

    Ok so why don’t you just tell me then since I can’t see it ?
  18. T

    Urgent help needed

    I will be and was planning for a year now. Why I haven’t started yet? Because unlike many losers, I don’t wanna create a channel where things need to be figured out. I’ll have a channel when I have everything figured out. Despite everyone laughing about my experience and what not. I’m probably a...
  19. T

    Urgent help needed

    Thanks a lot for a helpful post! You’re right purple stems indicate that it might be too cold but it also can indicate some stress that plant is going thru. I highly doubt that it might be too cold for them in Southern California. I had them growing since January and it was much colder back then...