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  1. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh yeah ? And to say that you have to use profanity? Best way would be is to say exactly what you grow on and for us to discuss how organic all that is. Your organic may not be my organic. Frankly bat shit and blood meal is organic ! Is that the shit you grow on? I’m 100% sure and had you read...
  2. T

    Urgent help needed

    There hasn’t been even one word or suggestion about any meters! Other than you bitching I haven’t seen any suggestions even now!
  3. T

    Urgent help needed

    This is the problem , I don’t know which posts you want me to pay attention to when all I see if you bitching and bitching all over the place! So no I haven’t seen anyone pointing at the problem , if you’re referring to advice to piss on them, then go do it yourself I don’t need such dumb...
  4. T

    Urgent help needed

    Let us all see what healthy plants look like
  5. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh ok well let’s see your plants genius grower
  6. T

    Urgent help needed

    Wow even sadder and more pathetic than originally thought ! These plants are super healthy and bug resistant and there is no shit in the world you can say to change my mind or anyone else’s! Anyone who would agree with your comment is just as a moron as you are!
  7. T

    Urgent help needed

    Omg just fuck off already, you’re just a disgusting person! You will simply keep repeating same dumbass thing Over and over. Any normal human being would have already said it, not you. You have to linger around like a moron you are. I don’t care to know what it is from you and I don’t care to...
  8. T

    Urgent help needed

    These are the plants growing right now. For the one flowering I don’t even remember if I ever gave any nutrition to, certainly not in the last few months which I only been watering. And tap water which is well over 9 Ph! The second pic, mama Mia actually flowered then went back to veg state...
  9. T

    Urgent help needed

    And I don’t ! Isn’t it sad that you don’t even know me, can’t even see me and such comments... on top of that - had you been smoking great weed, you wouldn’t have so much bile and hate in you!
  10. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh how I look forward to rub it in with my harvest on your disgusting face
  11. T

    Urgent help needed

    What do you use to adjust the water ?
  12. T

    Urgent help needed

    Which was the answer? 100 possible deficiencies? Smh
  13. T

    Urgent help needed

    I thought you were finally gone ? I don’t need to lie to get attention , look how much I got already ! I own 2 cannabis stocks, both Canadian and both shit. I invest in stock market everyday, I’m no Warren Buffet but I can tell you the only stocks I ever lost in were cannabis stocks. In over a...
  14. T

    Urgent help needed

    Thanks so much for the link and information. Look I am a nice guy and if I was know it all ,8 wouldn’t be here asking for advice. It’s just you see how rude people get here and I’m the kind of person that gives what he gets, you’re nice to me and I’m nice to you for example. So the rude ones got...
  15. T

    Urgent help needed

    Finally! If you know so much about cannabis maybe you should go educate growers around you and not on internet! Worst cannabis stocks are in Canada yet cannabis is legal nationwide and demand if bigger than the supply . Yet every Canadian cannabis stock worth nothing and everyday devalues to...
  16. T

    Urgent help needed

    No I did not know that! Nor I find that useful. So you took 3 samples of different parts of the pot, one is going to be acidic another ph neutral and another alkaline , so you mixed 3 samples to get one result. How is that going to help? Your Ph will be even more inaccurate! Please experienced...
  17. T

    Urgent help needed

    Coming from a loser that hasn’t shown even one pic of his so called best grown plants.
  18. T

    Urgent help needed

    Oh my goodness I will be a YouTube star you watch ! It’s people like you who are dangerous and shouldn’t be listed to! People like you are the ones that push all commercial fertilizing because you brainwash people that they can’t grow without them. Here is a photo for you genius. All these seeds...
  19. T

    Urgent help needed

    Thanks for the advice! And yes I am planning on finding a replacement for bottled water once my plants will start doing well. I’m just so concerned to mess anything up right now
  20. T

    Urgent help needed

    I said I don’t check the Ph! No need to make yourself smarter than everyone else when it’s clear and obvious how important Ph is! What I said was is that I don’t check it because it’s not accurate anyways ! Some of you really need to learn how to read so maybe you won’t have so many dumb...