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  1. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    yeah the boobs come with being heavy... I swear people I know love hugging me, they're all like "Wow you're really soft" and in my head im like "well duh, im fucking fat" but yeah, ive had a few people use me as a pillow
  2. Urca

    best time you've ever gotten high?:D

    too many good times. like the first time i smoked with the dude ive been kinda seeing, that was wonderful. I was so high and so was he, I kissed him until my mouth was swollen. That sticks out particularily to me
  3. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    why do you say that?
  4. Urca

    Who's Irish In Here?

    Im half german (dad's family only married other germans until his generation), and on my moms side im mainly irish (i think her grandpa was fresh off the boat, came over in like 1890, or 1900) and her dad was full irish, but her mom was english, scottish, and a bunch of other shit. Basically Im...
  5. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    lol yeah i kinda see what you mean
  6. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    haha she wore really high heels and my heels werent that high, so she tried to angle herself so that she and i could be level
  7. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    closest your gonna get me in lace n frills, is my prom dress, which had a lacy vest part to it that was nice, but no pictures with it on
  8. Urca

    Ya'll! Y-A-L-L!!!

    there's no oceans next to new mexico? its problably just the wind storm that came through ca, it was crazy
  9. Urca

    Such thing as a soulmate?

    eh im just being pessimistic
  10. Urca

    What'cha drinking?

    lol id be so drunk if i drank more than 7 beers. im talking cans of course. 7 seems like alot to me, but because im a bigger girl, it takes more for me to get drunk
  11. Urca

    Such thing as a soulmate?

    no, because no one does. but what was meant by that was that guys will fuck or fool around with any girl, but they dont give a fuck or care.
  12. Urca

    Such thing as a soulmate?

    well ive never had anyone show me any different, so how am i supposed to believe that? seriously, guys dont even LOOK at me with anything more than just a glance. never even been with anyone. so where's my love my soulmate? or even a little caring? im fat, its not gonna be there for me. if...
  13. Urca

    Such thing as a soulmate?

    no, there is no such thing as a soul mate. maybe even love for that matter. maybe its just no love or soul mate for me. which is problably the case cause i know that no guy would love me, so how could i have a soulmate??
  14. Urca

    You wanna get burnt or buried!

    organs donated, the cremated, ashes scattered somewhere beautiful.
  15. Urca

    evidence that aliens think we are stupid or that aliens are stupid?

    slaves are property, people kept records of their property. trust me, we'd have more than one source verifying slavery of the jews if it happened.
  16. Urca

    evidence that aliens think we are stupid or that aliens are stupid?

    they found proof of paid workers for pyramids, you know. slaves are just a hebrew legend, these people were paid to build those things.
  17. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    hmm well ill discuss it more with my brother, see how he did it.
  18. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    i respect your advice, its just i panic and worry on the little things, just thinking about doing it right now makes my pulse race, so im just gonna mail it
  19. Urca

    Yay new bubbler

    fuck it, im just gonna mail it. im a worry wort and this is the only way i wont worry. anywho, im excited for my new bubbler, cant wait to get my hands on it